you would have to reconfig your network settings so its not using Wireless if your using Ethernet cable. It could be something wrong on Sonys side, I didnt play PS3 last night so I cant say everything is fine on my end. I wont know until 11PM eastern. Myzz617
Yeah, I already reconfigured my network settings:(
I just want to see if anyone else has had this problem, and if anyone has a solution.
Up until last night I was using a wireless connection for my PS3. Whenever I'd turn on my PS3 it would automatically connect to the PSN, which it should be doing. The issue is that once I went into the PSN store it would disconnect me after a few seconds of browsing. I'd reconnect and go back in and everything would be fine.
For games, the same thing. I'd start up the game while connected to the PSN, and 8 or so seconds later it'd give me an error and tell me I was disconnected. If I chose to go and play online it'd reconnect me, and everything would be fine.
It would also interrupt the internet in the rest of the house everytime it connected. My wife will be playing an online game and as soon as I turn my PS3 on it'll disconnect her.
So it doesn't sound like a big deal since I can still play online and browse the PSN store, it's just kind of annoying for me and my wife. Well the real issue is downloading game updates and downloadable content in general. For game updates it will often take me 9 or 10 attempts to get a game to download a new update, because every time I choose to download the update it disconnects me and doesn't try to reconnect so it just hangs at 1%. Eventually I'll get lucky and it'll hold it's connection until it's done downloading. For downoadable content from the PSN store for instance, it'll take forever and a day to download 600megs when I know full well I have about an 800k connection with my cable on my PC.
I originally just thought it had something to do with my wireless connection, since it was only at about 70% most of the time. So I went on the internet and ordered 50 feet of networking cable and wired my PS3 right to my router. I was excited last night when I turned my PS3 on, ready to see these issues go away. I signed into the PSN store to download a demo to test the download speed...disconnected after 5 seconds. I reconnected, and started to download a demo. Again, it ticked maybe 1% every minute. I put in Drake's Fortune to download the trophy update, and it took me even more attempts to get it to do it's thing than it took me with my wireless connection.
Anyway, I'm pretty frustrated with all of this. When I play online I have no lag or anything like that, and once I'm connected in a game it doesn't drop on me. Just curious if anyone has a solution.
Uncharted best gameplay. MGS4 very passive gaming experience, but great graphics and story, almost like a movie, funny in parts as well. AC beautiful game, great story, very repetitive about half-way thru.btaylor2404
I dont say it is a bad thing. Not at all. I,m really excited for it, but i just wondered why on Uncharted. I Mean there are sort of throphies in the game, like shooting 100 bad guyes, collecting treasures etc. So i wonder what trophies it will be.Hulk965
Yeah, I kind of feel this way too. Trophies are more a bragging rights kind of thing, and when the implement Home (ETA 2050) it'll be nice to show off your accomplishments.
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