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My Dog had puppies

My dog Princess had 3 puppies. Prince, Duke and Victoria. (I'm keeping Victoria - She is in the middle and on the bottom) The breed is: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel The color: Blenheim



Inuyasha Role Playing Game is FUN

I am having such a good time playing Kagome in the role playing game I started. I am so glad I did. It is so much fun. We only have a few characters but non the less it is a riot. Everyone is doing such a great job to making it enjoyable. I especially love the bang up job that Rhen_Var :D is doing with Inuyasha and Naraku. He is such a comedian and really does evil well. It's just not the same when he's not around. He comes up with such amazing lines that I just LMAO :lol:. I love that I can act out Kagome the way I want her too. I try to keep her into character but this is a parody so of course we have to bring out the love she has with Inuyasha. And it is so weird to do that for the fact that the guy (Rhen Var) is much younger than myself and in fact I am married with a couple of kids :o. Oh well. I try not to dwell on that and just have a good time. And boy am I having that. The interactions between Sango (Sangothedslayer) and Miroku (Yasutora_DBZ) and Naraku (again Rhen Var) are hilarious. Sesshomaru (Element-17) has come in and did a nice fight scene with Inuyasha. I am really enjoying this game. We need more players and I hope we can get more soon as I know we can really have a ball. So if you haven't joined us yet, feel free to stop by and read or join in as a character or two and fun with us. ;) Here's the link: GAME

Transformers - The Movie (REVIEW)

I went to see Transformers on Saturday. Thinking this is a guy flick I didn't have much hopes for it to be that great of a movie considering it is a movie about toys. Well, was I wrong. It was such an awesome movie. It had comedy, romance, action and adventure. What more could you want in a movie? I laughed so hard. The star of the movie was Shea Labedouf from Evan Stevens. I've seen him in Constantine with Keanu Reeves and I thought he was very good in that film. He was terrific in Transformers. He really is a very good actor. So believable in the part. He is quite funny. I LMAO. I loved this movie. It is definitely a MUST SEE!!! I highly recommend this movie to all adults. However, I didn't realize it is rated PG-13 and I made the mistake of taking my 5 yr old daughter and she was scared at some parts. I even had to cover her eyes at some of the scenes I though were too violent. My 10 yr old loved it. I wouldn't recommend children under 10. There is alot of death and destruction and lots of guns.