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Andrew_D28 Blog

New Firewire card = Back in action! Also Dragon Ball Z BT3 online complaints

Well finally got a new Firewire card for my PC...which basically just means that I can make/upload videos and whatnot again. Finals are almost over (got one more, Business Law) so im looking forward to the Christmas break. However one thing has gone wrong. The INCREDIBLE amount of lag that takes place in Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkachi 3 online for the Wii. I mean offline the game is amazingly smooth, the Wii controls are vastly improved from the last game...but damn, online the lag is really aggrivating. Not to mention along with the lag, there is a strange decrease in framerate.

However here's the thing: It's due to some sort of error or misperformance by the servers on Nintendo's side of things (according to Atari anyway, which they say they are aware of and have contacted Nintendo...which was about 2-4 days ago). Sometimes you end up getting a match up thats reasonably clear of lag and framerate glitch, and thats where the game shines. Its got a really deep fighting system now, most characters play different, and there are tons of combo possibilities/counter attacks.

Either way, i've been trying to stir up a "fix the lag" crusade, and it seems to be working so has reported on it, and more and more gamefaqs/gamespot members are helping out by calling Nintendo support.In one of my recent phone calls (the first actually), after talking for awhile,the techwent to talk to some higher ups. They said they were aware of the problem, and are attempting to fix it. However there is no timeframe for the repair. Anyway going to try again onTuesday to see whats up.

After all these years, FINALLY Treasure's Action masterpiece, Sin and Punishment


Man finally after all these years, Nintendo has brought Sin and Punishment: Successor to the Earth, to North America! It's actually an import of sorts, but most of the important text has been translated to english, and it already has english voice actors for the cutscenes, so no worries about not understanding japanese to play the game. Either way, this is hopefully the first in a long line of future import titles that will be translated and availible on the Wii VC/Shop channel. Heck they could even translate Mother 3 (Earthbound 2) and put that up as Wii ware, and there are tons of Squaresoft and Enix RPGs that never made it overseas. And now that even CD based games (from the Turbo DUO/PC engine) have been announced for the Wii VC, the possibilities for its library are endless! I'll try to record some more actualgameplay later on.

Whoa Metroid Prime 3, Bioshock, Stranglehold and Blue Dragon all in one month?!

This month heralds the beginning of an incredible gaming storm of which the likes has not been seen for quite some time. And even looking past Christmas time, it shows no signs of loosing strength...for all platforms! Its just a great time to be a gamer peroid, no matter what systems you own.

Oh yeah...

Figured i'd try my hand at a custom trailer for MP3 (just like I did for Sonic and the Secret Rings, Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles, and more) and plus MP3 can use all the hype it can get im what better place than youtube. Anyway here's my trailer (got the idea to make it as soon as I realized I was about to defeat Mother Brain on Metroid 1 NES for the first time ever. Played it on the VC...griding out your own custom map for the game is strangely rewarding...yet aggrivating at the same time).

Oh and my Youtube username is Temjin99

Here ya go:

Or if you prefer, check it out right here in this embed:


Whoo boy... finals

Seriously. Its like once classes start getting close to the end...everything starts to really ramp up in difficulty. Well not so much difficulty, just stuff for you to do really starts to pile up. That and i've gotta say Accounting classes suck. Other than that, finally got around to trying the Gears of War Annex gameplay mode. Gotta say its officially one of my favorite modes. Its just so fast paced, yet with a great teamwork element to it. Oh and of course Super Paper Mario is lots of fun. That, and im looking forward to the release of Diamond/ Pearl (yeah I still like the main series pokemon games :P they are fun RPGs, and with the newly added wi-fi world wide battle and trading options, and updated graphics/sound, I just cant pass this one up).

Well time to get back to those damn debits and credits (stupid general journals...)

Wow havent posted in awhile...

Yup, after that whole next gen rush, havent posted in awhile. Spring Break's coming up though, and so is Summer, so im really looking forward to alot of intresting stuff. Heh, both in gaming and in real life events. Probably gonna pick up posting sometime after spring break....just really havent had alot of time between real life, college work, and gaming...but its all good.8)

So the two other Next gen console launches are just days away

Wow its crazy, in just a few days, next-gen will become current gen, and current gen will become...well...last gen. I'm glad that all 3 will finally be out, that way people will quit speculating and we'll finally be able to see what all 3 systems are really all about (though Gears really shows the 360 atm). Speaking of which, I cant believe the Yakuza in japan actually bought lots of PS3 consoles (who's gonna stop em?) just to sell em for like 2x the price later Then Sony decides to zap down the North American PS3 shipment to fufill demand in japan.

Wow im glad that the Wii is hitting North America first. Anyway i'll finally be able to put the finishing touches on "The Legend of Nintendo: Wii's Awakening" video on the release day. Dunno how good it'll turn out, but im looking forward to that.

EDIT: Going to have to hold the video abit longer. Didnt get to finish it due to homework and wii fun.

Gears of War : It meets the hype and then some!

Damn this game is amazing, from the graphics and sound, to the gameplay. On hardcore difficulty the enemy AI is very smart, and will dive behind cover at any chance given, or even try to flank you while you're under cover. Really keeps you on your toes too, since they can come busting through doors, outta emergence holes, and lots of other things. And the multiplayer is just as tense. You really have to work together as a team and get a plan together to win. Oh and the co-op play is really fun, especially when you have to go down seperate paths to complete one objective, helping each other out as you go.

GOD HAND: New beat em up from the minds at Clover (VJ and Okami) + Insane Action

Seriously this is gonna be one nice beat em up, and its been quite awhile since we've actually had a good one release. Though i've still got my fingers crossed for a next-gen true Final Fight game, Streets of Rage, or maybe a new series altogether (God hand and Viewtiful Joe kinda fit here actually). Its comin out next week, so look out for my review on both GOD HAND and Okami around that time. One thing I do like about GOD HAND and Clover studios (part of Capcom) as a whole is that while their games are incredibly fun, they never take themselves too seriously. Anyway, if you have seen any footage of GOD HAND, check out this video just to see what i'm talking about -


Oh and i'm trying to do a series of "Hardcore Action game" videos showing some of the most crazy action games I own. The first 3 in the series are already up (Contra Shattered Soldier). These arent really made for me to show off skills or anything, just to show off the game to action game fans, and maybe encourage them to add the game to their library if they dont already own it.

Blue Dragon and Lost Odyessey = 2 amazing JRPGs...on the 360?!

Yeah I cant believe it but the 360 is shaping up to have some really tight JRPGs (japanese) in the future. Since its the Tokyo Game Show this month, they had a Microsoft Conference there today, and showed off those two games and man.... Just see for yourself:

Heres Blue Dragon, a game made by Mistwalker studios thats headed by the father of Final Fantasy, Hironobu Sakaguchi. The music is done by Nobuo Uematsu of Final Fantasy fame, and character designs by Akira Toriyama (Dragon Ball, Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger, Tobal no1 and 2). The game's graphics are soooo good, they're almost Pixar movies quality (seriously)

Watch- [video=JXBhlTD75bsEvDLf]

Heres Lost Odyessey, also made by Mistwalker. The transfer between the CG and actual gameplay is so seamless, you wouldn't be able to tell what was real gameplay and what wasnt unless the guy was there to tell you (which he was at the conference) and you saw the in game battle menu.

Watch- [video=dnU7w2Sq5bsEvDLY]

Wii will rock you!! (UPDATED CHECK IT OUT)

Well today was the day alot of people have been waiting for, the Wii conference in New York. So heres the run down: In the box you get the Wii console, a Wiimote+nunchuck analog attachment, Wii sports (which has baseball, tennis, golf, boxing which plays like a motion based punch out, and bowling) the AV (spose to be component functional too like the Xbox 360 premium cables) and power cables, and I think a stand all for $249.99. The release date? November 19th so mark those calenders.

Another really tight feature are the different channels used to look around the wii system (like the guide menu for the 360). Theres a wii weather channel (real weather in your area) a wii news channel (real news in your area) the disk channel (where you go to activate the Wii or Gamecube game in your system), the Opera net browser channel (the internet browser), the Wii store channel (you can buy and download classic and maybe new games and other things) and the Mii channel. The Mii channel is pretty important since you actually make an avatar of yourself or whoever there, and its actually saved to the controller. You can use this avatar to play wii sports, wario ware, or a bunch of other titles coming in the future. Its even got a built in message board feature. So I know what im gonna be doing while eating turkey this thanksgiving :D

(UPDATE) check this out! Brand new Zelda Wii footage, complete with new music:[video=K3c7n2er5bsEujHZ]

Also im planning on making a Legend of Nintendo: Wii's awakening video for launch day. Theres a small bit of it already in my video section, so check that for a small preview.