Weird. I guess this flew right under the B's Log Radar? Or is it in this month's B's Log (I ordered my copy late, so it's not here yet)? Konami's Hanayori Dango ~Koi Seyo Jyoshi! (花よりだんご 恋せよ女子 = working title) for Nintendo DS has a release date of July 10th, 2008! Whoa! I didn't hear anything about this game before! It is an otome game :) So I found something to talk about today! Yay!
Oh yeah, I'm still not sure if posting links to the official site of games is considered "advertising" or not, so if you want to find the site...just cut and paste the Japanese and search on it :) On to the translation of the game introduction:
You are an average girl who has just transferred to Eitoku Gakuen, famous for the celebs that go there. There you'll get to enjoy a year of school life with another average girl "Tsukushi" and the F4, who rule the school! You can chat at school, work a part time job in town, go shopping, and enjoy HanaDan world to the max! While you enjoy talking to the members of the F4, you might find out the the guy you're interested in, feels the same about you?!
It looks like you can go on dates (and choose your outfits for the dates), cook at home and check your emails, too! It's Konami, so you know it's gotta be good *grins from ear to ear* I would say this is probably an Otome Game Must Buy!!! It looks like it has some map navigation, too! On dates you can touch, scratch or use the mike to further your relationship with the guy of your choice! There's a "Weed Power Gauge" (Wierd name) that you can touch to get hints on which decision branch to choose. That's all the info on there.
I don't think I need to do a character can look up "Hanayori Dango" in English and get it. I actually haven't read this manga yet. The art wasn't that pretty to me or something. I don't have all of these :P Maybe I'll try to get it next time I go somewhere. But oh, it's K.o.n.a.m.i. It's gotta be good. I mean, they can just reuse the Tokimeki Engine...and it doesn't say, but it's probably full voice because they've got that compression algorithm. Actually, they don't even have seiyuu announced...and it's like the end of March? Kind of weird. Maybe they are behind on production or something? I can't believe I haven't seen anything about it? I was just looking at a pre-order list and saw it.
I think I like Rui Hanazawa the best (by looks). Tee hee! From the screen shots, it looks like you can make bento! How cute! I love the octopus shaped hot dogs!!! ...and I love games with food in them *tee hee*
***Aotan's Gaming News***
As for me, I'm working on capturing the King in Duel Love...but he's already lost like 5 times, so he doesn't seem like much of a "King" by now, but well, I'm going for Date -senpai right now. So far, I think I'm doing okay with it. Nothing spectacular, but well *shrug* I still think he's a mean bully >:( But after I capture Date-senpai, then I'll be free to write a review. Does anyone else wish that Takizawa-sensei was a capture-able character? I mean he's cute! I could pass on Lupan-sensei, erm, Shimadu-sensei, though. I wonder if there's going to be a fan disk or maybe a second game for it? I mean Bandai's a huuge company...
Oh, and on the Duel Love site, on the bottom to the left of the "Lantis" yellow box is a link for a questionaire. If you fill it out you get a free wallpaper. Tee hee, I did :) I told them that I wished you'd get Christmas presents from all the guys and it would be nice if Takizawa-sensei was capture-able. Tee hee. I'm so silly!
Gee, I'm going to have to plan my allowance carefully! There's so many cool games coming out! I can't wait, but my wallet sure can! ...and when am I supposed to find time to play all these games?! I need a vacation *sigh* Oh, but I think the mailman might be bringing me some games today! I hope it's the Hiiro no Kaera DS / Vitamin X order *squee* Oh, but I'll finish Duel Love, first, though!
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