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Arbiter1237 Blog

School really Su*ks :(

These are one of those blog i will look at near the holiday break and laugh. Anyways, I thought i was home free a week ago but it turns out I'm not. Still so much Homework, tests, projects andwork to go through :x. I hate this. I have a History project, French, Science HWK, Math test on like the last day B4 the hoildays and aBook report. Thankfully, I'll get through all of this.

New Fall '07 Dashboard update here.

I keep up with all the latest news and i hope you do to. If you do then you would've already know this last week. So its happening today and there is a huge list of improvements @ Some of these improvements include DivX support and just a lot of new things, seriously check it out.I live in Canada so this is pretty big for me because video marketplace is finally coming dec. 11th next tuesday and for europe as well, All thought the movie selection is weal right (the U.S. has over 300 movie titles and growing) Canada and other places with get updated with U.S. content anda lotmore, every month. So this is something you can't miss. After all, you really have no choise. (You can't acess XBL at all wothout updating the dashboard and if you don't have XBL then you can burn a CD or DVD from, follow the intructions on the website).

"Other" blogging.

I've been doing a lot of "other blogging lately. So anyways just wanted you to know that i will be doing some of that more often. this is a blog after all. I know all you guys over @ The microsoft union are reading this. So the reason is because this is just the month where nothing exciting in the tech or gaming world happens. Its a relaxing month where even companies rest. Tech companies want to "get out with the old and in with the new". So they ship their last 2007 products and get ready for '08. Well yes, I will be doing tech reports, if there are any. So hope you understand.

GS steps up and admits. They don't prove a thing wrong about the controversy.

You may have saw in the news section on GS to day about the edtiors talking complete bull about all of this "Jeff contoversy"beingfake and he just wanted to leave. I do keep up with all gaming and tech news daily by the way. And with GS I leave this:

1. If you say that Jeff was not fired b/c of Kane and lynch adverstising deal, why did you take down the video review where Jeff basicly and honestly said 'do not buy this game'.

2. Why can't users review Kane and Lynch? The average user score is 2.6 out of 10. Why did you shut down that GS?

3. Jeff would not leave on purpose period.

Now i know GS will restore everything i said about numbers 1 and 2 BECAUSE THEY HEARD THE ****** USERS COMPLAIN AND THIS IS ANOTHER WAY TO COVER UP THEIR BS!! So anyways, many users have already left. I am not going to simply because i have no where eles to blog.

What will happen in 2 weeks?

So its been a while. And yeah i lied. I didn't blog over the weekend. I was just too lazy and couldn't get on the computer. So School sucks, and your wondering how? Well i don't know how it is in the U.S. but in Canada we get 2 weeks off for the hoilday. Starting on the 22nd to Jan. 7th. And i have a hell load of school-related things to worry about. Anyways, here, it used to be 3 weeks for the hoildays but it was either my school board or the gov. who changed the hoilday break (where i live in canada) to 2 weeks. Well I've decied to buy my Xbox 360 either on the 22nd or 23rd. Thats right 2 weeks from now. And yeah its exiticting for me. I can't wait for the days of fun i'm in for. I'm probably not going to blog over the hoildays. Well anyways I still have lots of sh*t to go through before the hoildays and my Xbox 360. But as you can imagine, I am so close to getting what I've been missing out on for 2 years (related to gaming, "Teh nex generationz"). But still I've got to keep cool and stayed focased.

So until next time, See Ya!

Weekly Update #5.

And you know what that means. Yes the weekend. I'm sorry but this whole Jeff getting fired thing is just really shocking. In news the fall 2007 dashboard update is coming dec. 4th for more info vista Man, this is really hard. Jeff is gone from GS. Thats the biggest headline this week. I will blog over the weekend. this is turning out to be the shortest update I've had. I can't go on in this blog.

So until next time. See Ya. And take care Jeff, GS will miss you :(

BREAKING NEWS: Cnet Fires Jeff Gerstmann.

O M F G. I cannot belive this at all. Jeff was the most trusted reviewer om GS. All b/c of a stupid game called Kane and Lynch. You've had to heard about why. Its all over the internet. Google it. I for one am upset. GS is useless without jeff. System Wars has gone crazy by the way. No. The world has pretty much. No one knows where jeff is or how he feels. Cnet has made a big mastake. MAny people are leaving GS. I'm not but, by now, if you've learned how this all happend, I'm not sure if I can ever trust Video game reviews from anyone anymore. This has been a dissapointing day for video game journalism.And I truly feel sorry for Jeff on this one. -_-

Thoughts on 'Min-win' M$ project and Windows 7.

Min Win is a new kind of kernal Microsoft is working on for Windows 7 (the WindowsOS after Vista). From What I've heard it sounds very interesting. And this is the funny part: Vista has been critized all year for no reason, by Vista SP2 this OS will be perfect. So sure you could skip out on Vista, but not Windows 7 (its a code-name BTW). So far Windows 7 soundslike to be a hit WindowsOS, even from the "haters". I have to admit Vista was undesveringly hated. Xp was too, but not this much. Anyways Windows 7's Min Win sound like its going back to the good'ol basics. All features andno presentation. Well sort-of. Win 7 will have most-likely have an updated aero UI but also a solid-looking UI that will work with many olderPC's. This is one M$'s many goals for this new OS. Also to keep the price down and make it easy for anyone to upgrade. Windows 7 is basicly Microsoft saying "Hey, lets go back to the basics". Win 7 is all about rieliabilty features and complete back-wards compatibilty with software and hardwareand of course security. These are Microsoft's main goals.But really about extending everything that makes a Windows OS. Windows 7 will be important for everyone no matter what. If people deide to skip on Vista then, they will have to uprgrade to Windows 7. Why? Because Xp support life-line is ON the line. But hey no need to get worried about Win 7. This is not about "playing catch-up" with apple. This is about acually creating an OS thats will change the way people use computers. And whice such Microsoft-Devloped technologys such as the Surface PC and Voice-regonition, this goal of Microsoft's may very well become true. Microsoft expects Windows 7 to release in 2010 and win back those stubborn Xp users and that, so far, sound like it will become a reality.

310k copies of Xbox 360 Sold over thanksgiving weekend.

Acrorrding to the GS report, Ps3 sold the least (not a surprise) and wii sold most with 350K. Not bad for the 360. You'd think that it wouldn't go further after halo 3 but i guess Mass effect pushed units off shelves. M$ hasn't responded. I don't know why, they should be happy that they didn't get in last. ***on that note i do understand the PS3 sales grew with a huge percentage***

"My Ratings" are up.

So I've decided I'll most-likely never review every game I own. So you can check my ratings of the games i have@ the bottom of this page. And theres some kind of link to show more. I will review more games in the future but not all of them. And my ratings are honest ;)