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Arbiter1237 Blog

The (school) week is almost over for me.

Thank goodness. Tommorow is my last day of school for this week. Of course their's next week but Friday is off for me. Thats means a long weekend for me :D. Well anyways before I can get to my long weekend I have have a teacher/student/parent interview at school tommorow. Uh-oh right? Well not so much for me. I got a preety decent repot card. And besides its only 15 minutes of my life (but probably less. since my report card was good, nothing much to talk about). I'm just worried about a couple of thing. Well my school ends @ 2:40 pm and my interview starts @ 3:15. My dad has to pick me up and then my sisters. This process take 15 mins. By the time we gwt home it'll be 3:05, whice will leave me 10 min. to get back to my school asap. Yeah so i'm worried I'll be late. But more so if the whole interview will be awkward. Since theres not alot to be talked about with my grades, theres gonna be something eles :( . Well anyways im kind of sad this week. I realized that there's still alot to got through b4 xmas :( :cry:. And that means school projects and tests. I know so far b4 xmas I have a book report, science project, math test and music test. But none of these things are happening this week thank god. Hey its a short week and shouldn't be worring right? Yeah true but These things just upset mea lot of the times. I'm what some people may call a "worry wort" some kind of expression people use. So you may have noticed there hasn't been a lot of M$ blogging. Well there hasn't been a lot of exciting M$ news. Don't get me worng, I ALWAYS look at the news both gaming and tech every single day more than once. I do keep up with the news. But don't blog about it much :P. Anyways I've beendoing a lot "other" blooging topic's. And i too admit, it would be boring to just blog about M$ and nothing eles. So.................

Until next time, See Ya!

Micro$oft Welcomes it's Newest OEM: Apple. : )

Acorrding to this link: M$ responds to these silly little "i'm a pc" ads. Well not exactly. But in a way yes. M$ reported in a blog that %70 percent of intel mac users have bought and run Vista on their mac. That means people who bought an Intel Mac bought it with Vista and used boot-camp to use it. But get this: Those %70 of intel mac users use Vista more than OS X itself (the OS that Apple provides mac users). So yeah, half of mac users run and use Vista or another version of Windows. That says a lot. Now that makes us think that apple thinks that M$ is a hardware company that creates the PC's themselves. Well apple is stupid. Like in the 1980's Apple thought a certain company (ahem IBM) was their enemy but really M$ was (bussiness tactics). It looks like its happening again, sort of. Apple is against several PC companys (Dell, HP Toshiba and Sony just to name a few) that are richer, bigger and can produce more PC's than apple. Just goes to show where apple fanboys get their "blindness" from.

School looking good..........

Well it's been a long time. I got my school report card to day. I got mostly 70s and one A in math :P. Well now i'll have these grades to back me up when i get my 360. lol ishould be doing a project right now. anyways this was a short one. Paul from the supersite ( is going to review the Zune 80 soon. Speaking of school this week is only 4 days for me. And i don't have much to worry about. So untill then, ........... bye gotta go do that project :P

Weekly Update #4.

You know what thats means, its the weekend!! Man its been a long while since I've blogged. Anyways, first off, school.Yesturday I was saying to myself how this day was going to suck so much because I had to present my science project and I and didn't take notes for history. But I got through all of that quickly. I do have 3 more projects to do till the hoildays, around the time I will be getting my xbox 360. Well reports card are coming monday. I'm not afraid. All my teachers have been saying I'll have a good report card. Anyways today is black Friday for the americans...... whatever :P. Wow, this whole week I have not really thought or talked about M$. Oh well, my eye is always turned to M$ and theres been little, if not, boring news about M$ this week. For some reason I have mixed feeling about this weekend. Mainly because I'll be busy. I wanted a relaxing weekend. Honestly I could make my weekend relaxing but thats the problem i dont know if i should b/c i have a feeling I'll regret it. I am going to the movies on Sunday i think. Well that about wraps it up. It was a really boring week and thats why I didn't blog much. By the way, I'm not talking about news this week b/c... well thats how boring this week was. So I think I'm gonna blog this weekend but really I blog at the most random times.

Until the next time I randomly blog, See Ya!!!!

I don't trust GS Mass effect review.

No, not b/c I am a M$ fanboy but b/c every other reviewer gave it over a 9.0. On the other hand Uncharted flopped (PS3's last hope for this year) and that leaves PS3 with absoulty nothing. Haze whice was a PS3 back-up was delayed and UT3 is on PC and rumor has it, its gonna be delayed for PS3 anyways. ME getting a low score on GS doesn't mean its a horrible game. It is still a Game of the year canidate, just not on GS. So these new GS reviews are not really sad for 360 owners, they are the most sad for PS3 owners for they have no exclusive must-have, gotta-get-it games for this year that make the console to get alone. While Wii and Xbox 360 owners have exclusive games like: MP3 and SMG and Halo 3 and bioshock. So to PS3 owners: :lol:

HOLY SH!T! Xbox 360 is increadible!!

As you may know i visited my cousins house over the weekend and played xbox 360. The very first thing i thought when i saw the console and touched with my own hands for the first time ever was.......... "HOLY CRAP! THIS IS WAY BETTER LOOKING AND FEELING THAN ANYOTHER CONSOLE I'VE EVER HELD!" i noticed its sleek design and light weight and ignored the giagntic power brick (it was hidden at the very back of my cousins HD setup) All-in-all i loved the 360's make-over, really b/c xbox 1 didnt look very good looking. Anyways beyond the hardware i already had known everything about the console (b/c of support ;) ). Its just that i hadn't expericaned any of it myself. So I did and as every1 already knows the dashboard OS PWNS everything eles out there. Ok let me make my first impression shorter b/c I'll have a longer one when i get my hands on my own console. So Overall i was truly just very overwhelmed at all the increadible features the console had, especially because Xbox was just all games and nothing eles. Xbox 360 is pretty much everything eles, including games and lots of them.

When is the last time you've watched TV?

Well this is the best year in gaming history period. But TV has gottin no attention at all. I watch show like Heroes, House, Family guy, Simpsons, South park, X-play and haven't been up to date with tthese shows. Well in almost 1 hour as i write this, heroes will be coming on. And can't wait for 12th season of south park coming this friday @ 9:30 P.M. on comedy network. Anyways up next im my blog: Xbox 360 impressions

Well, back to reality.

Well I've got a lot to cover. First off yeah its a monday ( :( ) and i came back from my cousin's yesturday. Yup i had lots of fun there but i'll cover the 360 in my next blog, I think. Anyways its thanksgiving, for the U.S., and I live in Canada. For Canada thanksgiving was last month. Damn Americans are luckys right now :x. Well life for me right now is weird. I'm not doing a lot of work at school. And I have a project thats pretty easy due next week. I really don't know what to blog. Well bungie anncouced halo 3 map packs coming next month. And M$ released visual studio 2008 (the best software program in the world) and .NET framework 3.5. LOL I totally forgot this is a M$ fanboy blog. Well i guess that was some of the "more" part in my title :P. Anyways as i said before I'm gonna talk about 360 and everything soon, when i can.

Weekly Update. #3

Not much to talk about here. So guys, I'll be off to my cousin's house in 2 hours as i write this. So ya i better be quick. Well the biggest news this week was of course Zune 2 . I heard M$ was a couple of weeks late shipping the new Zunes . Don't jump off that building yet, its still coming in the matter of weeks. In othere news Vista gets a major update that improves the OS's performace, rielibilty and more. Think of it as a mini Service Pack almost. Well thats about it. I won't blog over the weekend as i will be at my cousin's playing with their new Xbox 360. I don't think I will miss anything in the tech news world anyways. So don't worry about me. Since "Hell Week" #1 is over, I can finally stop worrying about school. For over the weekend anyways :(. So i'm gonna have a lot of fun with my cousins and their new Xbox 360. And of course I will have my first impressions of what i think about the system. That will be up probably next Monday.

Untill then, I'll be having lots of fun with xbox 360 8). See Ya!!!