As you can see right there (click the image for a larger view) my laptop is back, up and running. The total cost for everything was $330... The motherboard itself costed $260, and that's a little better then the $315 I thought it'd cost to get it replced. So, I came out a little better then I had hoped... then again I only wanted to pay $100-150 for everything... Oh well.
Lets see... last Thursday was my final day of high school. So I've had it hard for the past few weeks... and being on MSN/WLM the whole time doesn't help (OMG 9" I HATE all of you.... but I love all of you... I hate all of you for almost letting me fail high school.... but I love all of you for being soooo friggen awesome......... all of you GSers just ignore this part... 9" is a small group of very very close friends). But now, I'm done with high and I can sleep in all day very day for the rest of my 9 lives. XD
But yea, this explains why I haven't been on much (not in groups, not commenting, not posting blogs, etc). I'd get on for a min to check the news update but I had other things to do (and I still have 50,000 other things to do). So, maybe I'm back now.
Oh, and I'm also level 31 here on GS. I would have hit level 31 a lot sooner if I wasn't wrongfully Modded over my old avatar... but I guess I won't go into that.

Ok... I know, I said "I guess I won't be getting anymore new games until June rolls around" in my last GS blog post... well.... I lied! HA! XD
Anyway, this new game I picked up would be TWEWY... otherwise known as The World Ends With You. And what an awesome game it is... I got it on the 10th and I've had a hard time putting it down on my free time. The story is different, and I like the idea of pins and such. But I LOVE the gameplay. I know some people find it too confusing, and hard, and bad, but I love it (even if it's just a tad on the confusing side... but still I love it). It's the first game that I'm into so much that I don't have time for other things. Really... I planned on beating all 3 MGS games before MGS4 comes out... and right now at this point I'm finding that a little hard to believe due to TWEWY. It's an awesome game and I recommend it to anyone. It has a great and different story (with a few plot twists), has great gameplay (IMO), and has a great soundtrack (IMO). If I knew the game was going to be this good I would have put it on my most want list (the one I had a few blogs back).

The "WTF?" banner might not be the best one to use here... but oh well.
Monday something very very baddddd happened. My brother turned the 360 on only to see that we got the Red Rings of Death YET AGAIN! This is the second time to it's happened to me (and I know, some of you had it happen a lot more). I mean really MS... you claim to have the best console yet they always break all the time? When I get the 360 back will it break again? I was planning on buying an Elite for the looks and the HDMI... but if they keep breaking like this I'm not sure if I should spend the extra money to support MS... They break down and it's pissing me off. How long will it be before it breaks again? I think it's all a matter of time... I look at the 360, it broke twice... I look at my SNES and it still runs... and I can't help but to think... WTF MS?

~ New Pokemon Game
Well, we all knew it was coming, so... it came. CoroCoro mag came out and confirmed a new Pokemon game (the third game to the Diamond and Pearl gen), this one will be called Pokemon Platinum. It'll be out sometime around Fall of 2008 for Japan.
Scan of the page~ MGS3 beat
As it says... MGS3 has been beaten. It's the events before MGS 1 and 2 so it's ok to beat first, and thus why it has been. XD
~ Tekken DR beat
I've also beat pretty much everything on Tekken DR (got all the movies and such). Both MGS3 and Tekken DR is games on my "To beat list before PS3 comes out" and so.... yea.
~ New MGS4 trailer
The title and the trailer speaks for itself.

I'm going to make this quick. But I wanted to say a little something about GameRankings (GR) and how they're pissing me off.
See, I used to get all my scores for games off of GR, because they would take the scores from different sites and add them to an average. That way it would kind of counter some bias to games and such. Well, here's the thing for you to get your site on GameRankings where it would count to the total score (the Bold sites). It's to prevent random stupid sites popping up and drastically changing the score. Well there are things you need to meet before your site goes Bold...
"At Least 300 archived reviews if they review multiple systems or 100 reviews if they concentrate on only one system or genre.
The site does at least 15 reviews a month."
Well, this is all well and good... but here's the thing. There is this site called "Giant Bomb", some of you may know him as Jeff Gerstmann... the GS reviewer who was fired for Kane & Lynch: Dead Men review. His site doesn't do 15 reviews a month, nor has it made over 300 reviews... and yet for some reason GameRankings counts his site (it says "site" not "person"... meaning... his site shouldn't be Bold). His scores has boosted GTA4 (he gave it 5/5... and that's 100% on GR), and to this date his score of Brawl is the lowest one on the site (he gave Brawl a 4/5, and that being an 80%... in other words going by GS rankings... he gave Brawl an 8.0). So yea... I find it very insulting that GR doesn't count other small sites, yet they count Giant Bomb. There is this site known as "The Wiire", it's a Wii site and they give reviews. They gave Brawl an A+ (100%), they have more reviews then Giant Bomb... and they likely do more reviews in a month then Giant Bomb... and yet their score isn't counted.... Yea... strange.
I guess I can't even trust the scores from some place like GameRankings, seeing how they are blindly bias to some sites. Thank you GameRankings... and here I said "I get my scores from GR", I guess that won't be true anymore.
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