I suggest you post this request here. The people there are the most knowledgeable on the subject matter.Hexagon_777Thx.
Artof_War's forum posts
To clarify, I would be interseted in a Netbook.
I need a laptop under $700. For the following uses:
- internet/e-mail
- picture and music storage
- someMcrosoft Office
Thoughts? Any advantage to going up $100? Or down $100?
Thanks for all the help!
Never thought about checking EBay. I don't live in NYC, but maybe I can call up there and have them ship it! $80 is a steal imo. I want to own it because it's such a great show... is NetFlix for PS3 solid? I suppose that would save money...
I watch Netflix via my PS3 all the time and it has gotten to the point now where shows/movies look and sound terrific! Not quite blue-ray quality or anything like that, but I'm very happy with the quality. Do you like the new interface? I read people complaining about that.Never thought about checking EBay. I don't live in NYC, but maybe I can call up there and have them ship it! $80 is a steal imo. I want to own it because it's such a great show... is NetFlix for PS3 solid? I suppose that would save money...
Just looking to own. But renting actually isn't a bad idea. How much are TV series rentals at Blockbuster?Rent them and make copies? (Or are we not allowed to post things promoting piracy?)
Does anyone know a good (i.e. inexpensive)place to buy the HBO series The Wire box set? Amazon Prime has it new for $140, originally $199. Anything under $100 would be great.
CGI actually stands for computer Generated Image. But in this context they are using it to describe prerendered video, which means it uses almost none of the hardware to display.
Everytime you see something using the "in game" engine it's running real time off the hardware and right now hardware can't support real time what CGI looks like. It's getting closer though. Some In game cutscenes are hard to distinguish between CGI but it's close.
Very interesting! So do developers know how much they can eek out of the PS3 yet i.e. exactly how close we can get to CGI? I remeber God of War cutscenes on PS2 looked amazing. Can games run a CGI video at all?Funny you mention God of War, as actually in the remastered versions playing in HD the game looks great, but the cutscenes all look TERRIBLE now because they were not made to be HD, the lip syncing is terrible by today's standards, etc. Even in it's day, that game's cutscenes were FAR from the "movie studio" quality CGI of the time.
I think the best example of CGI right now is Final Fantaxy XIII if you can watch them in 1080P, the scenes in that game all basically ARE CGI, not just "CGI", but the CGI quality you could expect to see in a feature film. Yet the strain on the PS3 hardware for those cutscenes is probably nothing, because it's just like watching a film off of blu ray, it's probably not even really using the GPU much at all other than to playback 1080P video. There's a pretty wide gap between the gameplay and the pre-rendered CGI where you can tell there's a ways to go to get the gameplay at "CGI"..
We're probably at least 1 more generation of consoles away from when GAMEPLAY *IS* CGI film quality, but if you get a computer that maxes everything ou you can *almost* be there already.
Thanks for the input. Why don't more developers include CGI quality cutscenes like FFXIII? Cost?that last question you can't really answer. a video is a video anything can run them. But I think you mean can a game be rendered real time with that quality and I would say ... close... but no. Maybe on the PC, but the closest i think you will get is uncharted 2 and god of war 3. I believe almost all of god of war 3's cutscenes were using the in game engine.bpw8Awesome. That certainly answeres my questions. Thanks.
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