Mario Galaxy officially got a 9.5 on GS!
Mario Galaxy officially got a 9.5 on GS!
With the impending release of Super Mario Galaxy, I feel compelled to let some stuff out about one of gamings greatest creations. Now, I'm only 15, but I grew up in my younger days with Mario, mainly, Super Mario Bros. 3, that game was a huge part of my life. Me and my brother would play co-op through that all the time, and still, it's fun as hell. Not to mention, Mario 64, which also holds a place for filling me with such wonder, vast worlds, grueling levels (I was young, and got pretty mad at certain stars ^^), and that was just because I was little. Now, looking back, those games are very technically, and just all around amazing still! I can still play them and have a good time.
I've known Mario to be one of my favorite games since I was at least 3 years old. My dad had his NES since before I was born, and Mario too, so I have known about him from the get go of my life. He holds a special place, like a best friend or something, things you just can't let go. I know I was WAY too young to be able to comprehend what Mario was, and who he was, but it was just the fact that I had so much fun with him and his games.
I have many asked people (my age of course) "Man, can you wait for Galaxy? I can't!" then the usual response is "Is that that kiddy Mario game? Man screw that have you tried Halo 3?".
My usual response is "I couldn't give a rats ass about Halo 3 when there is a new Mario game coming out." Which usually implies to everyone that I haven't grown up yet and still play kiddy games. How Mario isn't violent, isn't muscular, isn't shouting curses and running people over, how he can't use a gun. I wonder, since when were those things needed to have a good video game? I feel sorry for those people, they will never experience one of gaming's finest. I feel very proud that I'm a Mario player and huge supporter and fan. My excitement for Galaxy knows no bounds. I'm excited to the point of numbness, and shaking. (yes that sounds a bit over the top, but I really want this game.)
Here's to Mario, and Mario Galaxy!
I want to hear other peoples experiences and how gaming's greatest plumber has touched on your lives!
Either way, Im only saying NO HARDCORE GAMER HAS THE WII AS THEIR PRIMARY CONSOLE, without it being one of those reasons.
Where do you get off telling people who's a "hardcore" gamer or not? The only next-gen console I own is a Wii, it is my primary console, I love it, I consider myself a hardcore gamer. I owner every last gen system, every handheld besides PSP, I have a PSX, SNES, NES, Genesis, the list goes on. You really think that these people care that you don't "think" they are "hardcore gamers" for owning the Wii as their primary console? This thread was created as a bashing of Wii owners, you know it was. I mainly play my games on PC, anything on the 360 I can get very similar, and better games for my PC. But saying that I'm not a "hardcore" gamer for owning the Wii as my primary console is just idiotic. This is a stupid thread, with stupid arguments based on opinions of who is higher on the gaming charts than who because of the system they own. Grow up people, really.
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