Oh EA., you've done it again... *facepalm* "you're now one step closer for hitting bottom." It's official now, that the game that brought the survival horror genre back into its top greatness, after a stale period, is dead. EA is doing brilliantly(sarcasm) this past times in f*****g everything up, full on S.N.A.F.U. The game now seems to be reduced now to a cut/copy generic 3rd person shooter in space... Well, let's just hope that The Last Of Us saves the survival horror genre from brainless co-p mash up action with extreme violence.
I really don't understand all the grudge for Mk Vs Dc. It was not exceptional, that is true, nonetheless it was a very fun game to play, a cool crossover (of what happen to be two of my favorite worlds of fighting games and comics) and also, a breath of fresh air in the stale state that the MK franchise was getting into... And of course, preparing a path for the great fighting game that was to come, MK9, that would bring MK to 2D again and once again, setting rules in the fighting games genre. All in all, i'm all in for this! This game has everything to rock and I can't wait as I'm either a fan of Boon and also DC Comics ever since (seems like now) forever. Please just don't make flash as obnoxious as he was in Mk Vs DC, he almost made me wanna take anger-management sessions. :p
@mike300zxt You're only correct in "Sales". Because everything else, you're wrong. XBOX360 (until they pulled the capcom trick several times by making a super deluxe xbox of whatever) has the illusion of being a cheaper console... Until you noticed you have to buy TONS of accessories that you do not need to buy on PS3, plus, you have to pay to use it online.
Anyhow, all in all, I hope all consoles are good in their own way because wars only destroy the video game world. Nothing else.
I don't remember Max Payne being just a bland, drunken, pale, punchline comic reliefs for juveniles kind of character and turned into a generic (yet beautiful graphics and violence wise) third person action game. Hate me as much as you want, but they should've just changed the name of the franchise because to me, this isn't Max Payne.
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