And it's so sad how people "need" to believe they are pc gamers or console gamers, thus, flaming a STUPID war that does not exist, except on 10 year old kid's heads... There's no such thing as console gamers or pc gamers... Bottom line, WE ARE ALL GAMERS AND WE SHOULD BE TOGETHER, not discussing about a juvenile imaginary war. Now you want to promote segregation and give more and more power to gaming companies that more and more suck money from us from flames like these. I hope it gets released on consoles, I'd very much like to play this game and I do not have the rig or the money to afford one that can play this game, because I choose to invest on a console. If it's not, though luck. I'm sure the game is amazing either way.
Uh... You guys know it's perfectly possible to use a mouse and keyboard on a ps3, right? It reeks more of laziness. If it's out on consoles, it will be happy days for me. If not, bad luck. We have our exclusives while pc has their exclusives. Perfectly fair and fine by me.
WOW, more than half of the problems mentioned by that problem gamer do not happen AT ALL in Killzone. lol. I don't know why he still chooses this mass gaming popcorn game.
@sokhan464 He could even be dressed in woman's lingerie. When he hunts for target it's when he has to make himself stealth. Plus, this is a game, not a reality test. This article is for you little kid:
@tom_cat_01 Lol, Yeah man, Yeah! you're right! Why not reveal everything RIGHT NOW even before the game is out! I'm sure they are playing us, I'm sure they forget about that because the story, as always been the weakest link in Assassin's Creed games. LOl juveniles, want everything at the same time and question it just because they don't get it.
@JangoF-76 Marketing man, marketing. Just don't take marketing words to it's literal meaning at 100% and to its extreme in the gaming world. However, regarding the previous AC games, the new features are groundbreaking to the franchise... The fluid animations, how Connor fights on an uneven terrain, how he moves along the trees, snow and cliffs, the time period and I'm sure many other stuff that, of course, they haven't revealed yet because, as the saying goes, secrecy is the hearth of business.
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