@Scorpion1813 Ah, so you do understand! Like it was stated previously 1000 times: Connor will have targets on BOTH sides, plus, this game is and always will be ASSASSIN'S VS TEMPLARS, just like in ALL previous games... Just like in AC1, Altair killed for BOTH sides while he was being misled by Al-Mualim.
@Scorpion1813 @SergioMX Her... I don't see ANY nationalist attitude whatsoever until now from Connor or the Assassin's. The events since AC II have been leading to this time period. Just go play the game again and you'll see.
@SergioMX I completely agree and I'm not from the USA. I actually find this scenery perfect and fitting to end the Desmond's trilogy. Plus, it has been clearly stated that he will have enemies on both sides. It's just so easy to be against a game just because it has the North-American flag in it. Gameplay wise, there is only one game with a native north-american (Prey) and there is almost no recent games in this time period. Kids just don't seem to understand or perceive that. They just bash at it without any reason and because it's cool in their cool to say that they hate the USA.
A reminder to all the kids (specially those that say that ridiculous argument that this game is pro-america). The continent, America, is not just the USA... This game is in NORTH-america.
@Scorpion1813 Lol, and Assassin's Creed was pro middle east, Assassin's creed II and Brotherhood was pro italy, assassin's creed revelations was pro turkey... Do you know how that argument sounds like that this game is pro-north america just because it's where the game is located? Ridiculous.
"Oh my god, I'm so hardcore and TRVE. Oh my god, I only love the band's first album before they were known. Oh my god, I'm so cool, I stop liking stuff just because they grow popular." Grow up.
Mr. Mark Walton, the user reviews speaks for itself. Have a nice day. P.S. - Comparing Street Fighter with Mortal Kombat is like comparing oranges with apples.
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