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Gaming and New Games

So I've played two games recently.

Lost: Via Domus

I know the game is crap but I am a huge Lost fan. I saw the game for $19.99 so I bought it. The game was way too short and if it wasn't for me buying all the Lost products I would have never bought the game. All the achievements took me around 5 hours and there is no replay value whatsoever.

Army of Two

I rented this game yesterday. I actually really enjoy the single player campaign. I knew it wasn't as bad as the Gamespot review made it out to be but the game has exceeded my expectations. However, the multiplayer games I've been in so far lag so bad which really takes away from the game. I wish EA had good servers because the games online modes are as bad as The Darkness and Stranglehold.

New Games

Lost: Via Domus - $19.99

Conker: Live and Reloaded - $19.99 Used

Killer 7 - $9.99 Used

Twisted Metal: Black - $7.50 Used

Back from my 7 Day Ban

I was banned last week for calling some guy an idiot because he said something very stupid. Gamespot Mods are way too strict. Anyways I haven't been up to much. I've bought a couple games but I haven't really played anything. I've watched the entire series of Entourage in the last week and it's a damn good show. Tonight is Lost so thats the only thing I care about.

What I've Been Up to Gaming Wise

So since school has been done I've been playing a fair amount of games lately. So since my last blog post I've played Blue Dragon, The Orange Box, Stranglehold, Devil May Cry 4, and Lost Odyssey. Unfortunately I've had to put GTA IV on the shelf for a bit because of all these games. I loved the story and the multiplayer is fun but I haven't scratched the surface but it's going to be a long summer so I'll put more time into it. Usually, when I feel like I'm done a game I'll write a review so yeah.

Blue Dragon

So I've finally beat Blue Dragon 100% (in my eyes at least). It took me 64 hours which was a lot less then I expected to get all the achievement points in the game. You can read my review to see my thoughts on the game. Overall, very good game but I'll probably put it on my shelf and won't play it again for along time.

The Orange Box

Slowly but surely I've finally beaten all of the games in the box. I wrote a review the other day so you can read my thoughts on the game. In the nutshell I thought Half Life 2 and Ep 2 were amazing while Ep 1 was too short and nothing really happened. Portal was good but overrated by the masses. Team Fortress 2 was also pretty good but the lag on the 360 version really made it unplayable at times. I'll go back eventually to get some more achievements and play TF2 more but not for awhile.


I liked Stanglehold but unfortunately haven't played it too much since I beat it before GTA IV. I put it in the other day and replayed some levels and got a couple of achievements. Because of DMC4 and Lost Odyssey I won't really play this too much but may put it in for a level. I still need to beat the game again on teh hardest and most painful difficulty - Hard Boiled.

Devil May Cry 4

This has been the game that I have been playing alot. I never played the previous 3 games but my friend had this game and I wanted to try it out. The opening scene immediately made me love the game. I beat it a couple days later and I am almost done my 2nd playthrough. The achievements are so hard so I doubt I'll try to go for them but I want to get a couple more and unlock the Bloody Palace by beating the game on the second difficulty - Devil Hunter. So yeah right now the game is an 8.5-9 in my eyes. I've never played a game like this so it was a warm welcome in my eyes and will set me up for Too Human which I can't wait to play.

Lost Odyssey

I finally put this game in. I've had it for like a month but haven't played it. Unfortunately I didn't play it for too long but after more DMC4 this is the game on my list that I'll play hardcore.

Also, Lost finally in 8 days!

Banjo and Viva 2 Thoughts/ Discussing GTA IV/ Blue Dragon/ New Game

Banjo is back and he looks better than ever. I was a bit skeptical on how Rare decided to design him but in motion it looks fine and makes me feel worry free. Now I hate all these hypocrites out there who say Gears 2 is just Gears 1.5 but trashes the new Banjo because it actually changes things up. Now I'm a bit skeptical but I trust Rare and even if its not a traditional platformer I'll buy it and have just as much fun. The game looks stunning and the trailer I saw left me wanting more. Day 1 purchase and I hope it actually ships this holiday season as planned

Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise is exactly what I wanted from Rare. It is more of like a 1.5 but thats perfectly fine. Rare needs to perfect the game first and they are doing it by introducing coop and allowing you to have A LOT more space in your garden. These were my only two major complaints in the game. This will also be a Day 1 purchase but I'm a bit skeptical on it actually releasing in September but if it does - best gaming year ever.

Grand Theft AUto IV

So I finally beat the game. Story was amazing but I wouldn't say it had the best story in any game ever created. The choices between killing one person or the other wasn't as big as Jeff (previous Gspot employer) made it out to be. I didn't have to take a break and decide who to kill because both people (both times) were not the best characters. However, characters like Roman, Bruce, Jacob, Florence, and others made the story so much better. The story ontop of a killer soundtrack, killer graphics, relatively solid online modes and the endless possibilities in sandbox games makes GTA IV one of the best games I've ever played. I'll be writing a review eventually.

Blue Dragon

I am going for all the achievements. Blue Dragon is one of the hardest games to get all the achievements because they take so damn long. I just finished leveling all 5 characters to lvl 99 in all shadow ****s (9 times each :cry:). Now that that's done all I have to do is lvl each character to level 99 and get 1 mil gold. The gold is easy and I'm already at lvl 82 for all the characters so it should only take me another 10 hours max but most likely 5-7.

New Purchase - Geist - New $4.99

Also, just to let you know I usually rush my blogs and don't really proofread so I may not make sense or make alot of spelling/grammar mistakes.

Grand Theft Auto IV and another New Purchase

So I've made alot of progress in GTA IV within the last two days. I'm at about 37% in about 15 hours and just finished the huge bank robbery mission and some of Ray's (Italian guy) missions. The game has drastically improved. GTA IV takes awhile to get use to but after you do you'll enjoy the experience much more. Nico is the bomb but the whole relationships thing, while cool, has been getting annoying because theres so many people you have to keep relationships with. Anyways I'll be talking more about the game when I play more because I haven't even scratched the surface.

New Purchase - Eternal Sonata - $24.99

I've beaten the game twice but I really enjoyed the game and wanted to buy it. I bought The Darkness and Two Worlds for 9.99 each at EB Games and then traded them for 24.99 and 18.99 at Blockbuster two seconds later. With the $40 bucks at Blockbuster I decided to buy Eternal Sonata.

GTA IV, Stranglehold, Blue Dragon and my new Game

So I haven't posted in awhile but here's what I've been up to.

Grand Theft Auto IV

So I bought the game at midnight on Monday. Since then I've only put in 9 hours because I haven't really had time to play it. However, the game has so much to do and because of that you just get sidetracked. You can drive around or kill people to get a 6 star rating that'll just gobble up time and prevent you from playing the story or the multiplayer. There is so much to do in GTA IV and the game is deserving of the reviews it is getting. However, there are some nitpicks dealing with the firing system and the running/ walking system that takes getting use to.

First impressions - 9.6/10


I beat this game within 3 days. The game is very short. However, I really enjoyed the gameplay mechanics and how the combat system worked. It was unique and different even though it didn't last as long as I wanted it to be. Also, the multiplayer is dead and barely anyone plays. I'll be putting this back in after GTA IV to play some more multiplayer and maybe try to beat the game on the Hard-Boiled Difficulty.

First Impressions - 8.4/10

Blue Dragon

Blue Dragon was a very fun game. It took me around 50 hours to complete all the sidequests and the game. The sidequests and the difficult monsters gave the game some very good replay value that kept me playing the game. Check out my review below.

Score - 8.5/10

I still desperately need to play Lost Odyssey which I bought about 3 weeks ago but I haven't put in because of Blue Dragon, Stranglehold, and now GTA IV. GTA and Stranglehold have given me time to take a break of the RPG's that I've been playing. After GTA IV is done I will be putting LO in.

New Game

Baten Kaitos Origins - $4.99 New

Even More Games + Gaming Related News

Here's the latest two games I've bought....

Stranglehold: Special Edition - $14.99 New

Metal Gear Solid: The Essential Collection - $29.99

Gaming Related News

Blue Dragon is almost complete. I'm at the part where you can do all the sidequests before going into the final place where the final boss is.

Stranglehold is half way complete. Short game but on hard more its challenging in a good way. Haven't had this much fun since Call of Duty 4 on Veteran.

Lost Odyssey sadly has not been played yet. I'm dying to play the game but just too much going on.

GTA 3, GTA VC, Baten Kaitos, and MGS: Essential Collection are just for my collection and I'll play them eventually even though I've beaten VC, and 2/3 MGS's (I'm looking at you Sons of Liberty). Baten Kaitos will be played probably in the summer and GTA 3 will probably never be beaten. I've gotten to the third island twice but just don't want to finish it.

I'll also probably be buying Eternal Sonata very soon even though I've beaten the game. It's a great game with two big flaws - lack of sidequests and a massive failure plot-wise in the last 20 minutes. I may also be buying God of War II but I'm still undecided.

New Games

So I've been on a buying spree lately and I'll be buying more games in the next two weeks. However, unlike alot of people, the games I'm buying have recieved relatively great or good reviews.

So I bought the above three games for a total of $29.99. All three games were used but in great condition. Baten Kaitos set me back $14.99, GTA 3 $4.99, and GTA Vice City $5.99. I'll be playing Baten Kaitos after Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, and GTA 4 but I bought the these two GTA's (even though I own them on the Xbox and have beaten them on the PS2 before) just to have them.

LOST starts exactly in 7 days....anyone a fan?

New Purchase and Blue Dragon Comments

So I finally bought Lost Odyssey. I've heard great things and most people say its one if not the most underrated game this generation. So I'll be playing that as soon as I finish Blue Dragon and hopefully I get it done in time for GTA IV.

Blue Dragon

So I'm about 18 hours into the game. I completed the first disk and I am almost finished the second one. The game is great for a $19.99 purchase. The story, like most people have complained about, is very slow and so far not much as happened but hopefully it picks up in the final act. The one thing I love about the game is the epic cutscenes that just work so well. The end of disk 1 is just legendary and the plan to take down Nene's fortress is executed great. But other than the slow storyline and the slightly repetitive gameplay (it is a JRPG) the game is pretty good. Hopefully I'll finish it before Thursday.

Rate My Xbox 360 Collection:

  1. Kameo: Elements of Power
  2. Perfect Dark Zero
  3. Burnout Revenge
  4. Saint's Row
  5. Gears of War
  6. Viva Pinata
  7. Crackdown
  8. The Darkness
  9. Blue Dragon
  10. Bioshock
  11. Halo 3
  12. Half Life 2: The Orange Box
  13. Call of Duty 4
  14. Guitar Hero 3
  15. Burnout Paradise

Game's Ive Borrowed / Rented (And Beat) but want to buy:

  1. Eternal Sonata
  2. Mass Effect

Games that are out that I will buy:

  1. Lost Odyssey

So what do you think?