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Two New Games Added to my Collection

1) Final Fantasy XII

- I've been looking to pick this up for awhile. I saw it at blockbuster for $7.99 New so I couldn't ignore it. I probably won't play it until I get my PS3 because the PS2 controller (and every other besides the 360 one) will require a lot of play time to make it feel good in my hands again.

2) Blue Dragon

- It got mixed reviews everywhere but I wanted to try a ****cal RPG. I played for 45 minutes to day and it was pretty good. I'll probably be playing this for the next two months but very slow and on and off. For $29.99 Used I think it was a fair price. The game will take along time and I'll hopefully put a lot of hours into it.

Mass Effect / Cloverfield/ How I Met Your Mother

Mass Effect
So I finally beat Mass Effect. The game is deep in everyway but I have a few nitpicks. The game is very short if you don't do sidequests. You can probably beat it within 10 hours and for an RPG thats very short. Not that its a bad thing. I use to love long games but now I don't have the time for it. The good thing is ME has plenty of replay value. You'll have to play a mininum of 3 times to get all the achievements. Anyways, yeah the story was good and concluded rather nicely. I was thinking that it would end in a huge cliffhanger but it wrapped up nice.


Speaking of wrapping up nicely...this movie did not. It ended abruptly but I thought it was a great movie for what it was trying to do. It actually felt like a Rollar Coaster vibe and also had a Bioshock feel to it except for the fact that the story wasn't good at all but its a monster flick so who cares.

I usually don't talk about TV but I'm actually a TV fanatic. Lost is by far the best show on TV (past, present, and future). Seinfeld and Sopranos are shows that I love but are sadly off air. The Office, Prison Break, Chuck, and Gossip Girl are shows that I'll watch weekly. I also watch the worst show on TV - Heroes. Anyone who likes that show and doesn't like Lost make me laugh because Heroes is a dumb mans Lost. Anyways moving on to my newest TV addiction.

How I Met Your Mother

My newest TV edition. I started watching this show because it was on after The Big Bang Theory and I didn't feel like getting up. I watched the show (ironically the one with Britney Spears but it was unintentional) and didn't stop laughing. I streamed the first season on Fanpop, bought the second season, and then streamed the third season. This has to be by far the funniest comedy on TV. I liked and still like The Office but the horrible hour episodes in September followed by the Strike has made me not really care about the show. Hopefully that'll change on Thursday. However, I recommend HimyM to everyone. It's funny and Neil Patrick Harris is hilarious.


So I haven't had the chance to play any games. I beat Mass Effect like a week ago and since then I havent really played anything besides going back and beating Episode 1 of Half Life 2 again to get the 1 Shot achievement. So because of that I can now officially start Episode 2 which I heard was alot better than the medicore Episode 1. So completing Mass Effect has finally given me the right to say I've beat and played all the quality games I've wanted to of from June 2007 to January 2008. (minus Episode 2 of HL2 and Blue Dragon / Kane and Lynch but they were never really a must play title - I'll pick them up cheap)

- The Darkness (own)

- BioShock (own)

- Halo 3 (own)

- Half Life 2: The Orange Box (own)

- Guitar Hero 3 (own)

- Call of Duty 4 (own)

- Assasin's Creed (borrowed off friend)

- Mass Effect (borrowed off friend but I'll buy it cheap soon)

- Rock Band (played many times with friends but I do not own)

- Burnout Paradise (own)

Now I can move on with games from February 08 and March 08 which had plenty of games I've wanted to play but not necessarily own.

- Devil May Cry 4

- Turok

- Lost Odyssey

- LOST: The Video Game

- Army of Two

- Bully: Scholarship Edition

- Condemned 2: Bloodshot

- Dark Sector

- Rainbow Six: Vegas (Rented it before but it was way too hard. Because of the second one I wanna pick this up cheap and beat it)

Stuff / Dark Sector Review Confusion


Death Proof

Well I finally watched Death Proof. I really enjoy Quentin Tarintino movies even though I haven't watched the best one in most peoples eyes - Pulp Fiction. In theatres, Death Proof was 1/2 of the movie Grindhouse which did terribly at the box office because most people didn't appreciate what Tarintino and Rodriquez were trying to accomplish. Anyways, the movie was pretty funny. It felt a bit too long but it was extended from the theatre version so Death Proof could be sold seperately. In the end, Tarintino adds humour to an intense situation. Has anyone else seen this movie?


It's been awhile since I've played this game which could have been delivered from heaven. Bioshock had such an amazing story and thanks to achievements it'll give me another reason to go back to it. The game has been haunting me for another play.

Lost Odyssey Blue Dragon

When I went to Blockbuster I saw this game for 30 bucks used. Theres also a trade in 4 games for any game and that game for me is Lost Odyssey. And at Blockbuster you could practically trade in any 360 game and it would contribute to one of the 4 (minus old sport games). I want to trade Just Cause, PSU, and Marvel Ultimate Alliance but I need one more. I've been contemplating whether to get them or not but I've been playing too many RPGs lately which leads me to....

Shadow Run

This game has been haunting me. Everywhere I go I see it for $20 bucks used and I'm wondering whether I should buy it or not. Anyone like / dislike the game?

Action / Adventure / Platformers / Shooters / Sandbox Games

I'm dying for a different genre. I've been playing Gears of War way too much recently considering all the releases like Devil May Cry 4, Army of Two, Vegas 2, Dark Sector, Bully, Lost, Condemned 2, Turok which have all given me some interest. I really need to play a different type of game. Does anyone have a good game (could be older) for the 360 that is not an RPG that is worth playing?

Mass Effect

I finally finished all the sidequests at the Citadel and will be continuing the main storyline. Virmie awaits!

Game Backlog

These are all the games that I want to buy cheap eventually; LEGO Star Wars - The Complete Trilogy, Strangehold, Lara Croft: Anniversary, Blue Dragon, Kane and Lynch, and Bully.

^^ More average games but I wouldnt pay over 25 bucks for them.

Dark Sector Review Confusion

Now I don't usually read Gamespot reviews or when I do I don't complain about them but I've very confused at the Dark Sector review. Now I thoroughly read the review and noticed that the only two main complaints were that (i) the storyline sucked and (ii) there was only two multiplayer modes. Now lets look at the two biggest games last year in terms of GOTY material in most sites and magazines.

Super Mario Galaxy - No online at all and a crappy storyline

Bioshock - No online at all.

Both these titles scored amazing and had the same faults as Dark Sector.

Now I'm not a Dark Sector fanboy and could care less about it. I may pick it up as a rental or for as a 30 buck or less buy but I don't understand how a game could get 7.5 when the only two complaints dealt with a crappy storyline and a meh LAG FREE online. Didn't Condemned 2 just get a 8.5 for having a crappy storyline and a meh LAGGY online?

I was wondering if the game had more / bigger problems that the reviewer forgot to mention. And if it didnt I believe that the score was unjustified because the reviewer seemed to have a really good time with the game.

Anyways, I know reviews are opinions but a lot of people look at reviews to help them decide whether to buy, rent, or ignore a title. I myself have said since Burnout Paradise that any game that gets 9's across IGN, Gamespot, and EGM will be added to my library.

What are your thoughts on the review?

Finally Unbanned / Recent Reviews / Mass Effect Progress

Finally Unbanned

So I'm finally unbanned on Gamespot. I got a 5 day ban which I did not deserve. I accidently clicked the most recent Wii post instead of the System Wars forum and of course the Wii post was interesting and I decided to post in it. I honestly had no idea that it was the Wii forum until right before I got banned where I realized I posted in the wrong forum and was writing an apology stating oops thought this was system wars but when I clicked SUBMIT it was already too late.

The original post dealt with whether he should buy a Wii or not and from his signature, which was a gamertag, I knew he had a 360.

Anyways I replied with:

Stick with your 360.

"A Wii just isn't worth the $250 price tag. I'd wait until its 150. 360 has so many good games coming out this year which will hold you until a Wii price drop. you...Brawl is the only game I would pick up if I bought a Wii and after that I don't see anything in the future that interests me at all. Finally, Brawl's online is broken unless your playing with Friend Codes and those are such a big hassle."

I dont believe I deserved a 5 day ban for this but whatever...I got some reviews done!

Recent Reviews

I've added 3 new reviews.

- Saint's Row - 9/10 (8.8/10 in my eyes)

- Super Smash Bros - 8/10

- Phantasy Star Universe - 7/10

I still want to review: The Darkness, Bioshock, Call of Duty 4, Burnout Paradise, and Two Worlds.

Mass Effect Progress

So I beat the Citadel awhile ago and had to go complete 3 different objectives - Feros, Novaria, and Find Liara. I just completed the third one yesterday and I am now going back and completing all the sidequests I didn't finish because my friend suggested I do them now. I also did the Bringing Down the Sky downloadable content mission. It doesn't take too long and isnt worth 400 points in my eyes (more like 200). Its one astroid with 1 mission and a sidequest mission. So I look forward to going to Virmie where I hear the storyline picks up and stays awesome till the end of the game.

Also, I really want to start playing some of the games that were released this year. The only game I have played is the amazing Burnout Paradise. Devil May Cry 4, Lost Odyssey, Lost, Army of Two, Bully, Condemned, and Turok are all games I'd like to try but just dont have the time or money.

Mass Effect / Gears/ Brawl, Vegas 2, Nintendo Fanboys

So I beat Eden Prime awhile ago but never got into Mass Effect because I wanted to start Phantasy Star Universe and had a lot of homework. Now I must compliment Bioware on an excellent story that makes me want to watch the game more than I want to play it. But I'm more of a story kind of guy. Here are my little nitpicks on the game

1) The voices and the mouth movements are a bit off and gets me irritated.

2) The game is confusing gameplay-wise for the non-hardcore RPGer

3) The bar fight with some guy that Wrex kills drove me insane but it was mostly because I just don't understand the basic fighting elements in the game...I hope I pick up on them

Besides that Mass Effect is a stellar game. I'm only on Feros but I went there directly after the Citadel. My friend made fun of me and said it was the third place you should go but I had no idea. I rather have someone play the game for me while I just sit back and enjoy the story which is mind blowing and that I hope gets a lot better. I read somewhere that the twists later in the game are insane.

Other than Mass Effect I've been playing Gears of War. Now I played Gears from when I bought my 360 (Nov 2006) until BioShock (Aug 2007) and didnt play it too much because of Halo 3, Orange Box, COD4, Broken Xbox for 2 months, Assassins Creed, and Burnout Paradise. So I've officially went back to Gears and boy is it amazing. I've never played a game as long as I've played Gears and I know people think its overrated (and I respect that) but the online is is addictive besides for two problems (host and no matchmaking).

Alright I have a hard time letting this Smash Bros issue go.

I'm only a fanboy of 5 things;

(i) Rare

(ii) Silicon Knights

(iii) Burnout

(iv) Gears of War

(iv) Grand Theft Auto

I'm completely confused at fans and reviewers. Usually a game gets slammed for being just like its predecessor. Brawl is identical to Melee. And just one example is that Yoshi's moves are exactly the same. The online is worthless unless you use Friend Codes...and we all know how worthless Friend Codes are anyways. And the single player is absolutly horrible. The fighting is repetitive as hell and the maze goes on for 10 hours or so. Now in its defense I only watched the second half of the single player campaign so I can't judge the Subspace campaign fully but from what I saw it was very repetitive.

Now a game like that gets praised by Nintendo fanboys like crazy. But these same fanboys are ripping apart Rainbow Six Vegas just like they ripped apart Halo 3 and any other non-Nintendo game.

Now I know I have a couple Smash fans on my friends list here and I hope they comment on these questions.

1) How is Brawl different than Melee?

2) Do you believe sequels should evolve and not be just rehash?

Finally, I just don't understand how people can give a 7 year old game over a 9. Now I know reviews are opinions but do you think that Brawl is deserving of a 9.5. Sure Melee is one of my favourite games ever but I expected Nintendo to go above and beyond everyones expectations with Brawl instead of giving some bare bones version of the game especially since this will probably be the last one.

Again I feel that everyone is going to jump to Brawls defense but I just want to know why.

Im so confused :cry:

Brawl more overrated than Halo 3? I think so.

Before you read it I just want to say I have played Brawl at my friends for about 7 hours.

Brawl has to be the most overrated game in the history of gaming. Gaming sites and magazines are becoming hypocrites over this game because they are afraid of the Nintendo fanboys.

I find it appauling how sites like Gamespot can give Brawl a better score than Melee. All Brawl is is Melee with 6 new unique characters, a couple of crappy stages, and a downright horrible try at online.

Now Melee is my second favourite game of all time so I'm not a Smash hater but it didn't change anything. At least Halo added 4 player coop both online and off and did so much to make online play the more enhanced than any other game.

Brawl is a 8.5/10 Max for me but probably should be a 7.

Sorry but Brawl failed to do the simple things that would of made it great. They had 7 years to talk to developers and add their characters, 7 years to make online passable, and 7 years to listen to fans and add what they wanted.

Also....the maze is Subspace Emissionary is classic Nintendo trying to piss people off.