A very great man indeed! Not having any formal musical education gives his work a very distinctive feel, but also at times it suffers a bit some pieces get very out of sync compared to the overall high quality of his work.
Killzone 2 looks amazing, best looking console ever, even if PS3 is technically inferior to X360 which I sincerely doubt, Killzone 2 looks better than any X360 game to date.
Tekken 6 has fallen, MS buying PS3 exclusives one by one, very good for X360 owners that is what any corporation should do listen to their clients and if they want games from the console they didn't buy rather than their own original titles that is what MS should concentrate on.
Hey getset, good to hear from you again. MGS is good man, I'm a fan, so I might be exaggerating, but the graphics are the best out there, HDR is amazing, insane polygon count, high res textures, best post processing, DETAILS, special effects are top notch, but you know all of this don't you? What I don't like is Beauty and the Beast unit, Cobra unit from Snake Eater was so much better. The game(actual gameplay) feels a bit short, but I love making fun of NPC AI, this makes my clear time quite long. MGO is nice, but I don't like the pace of the thing. As for the feel it feels 95% like MGS3 Subsistence(2005), so if 2005 is old so is the feel of the game. There is one more thing, I'm so sick and tired of this endless assault of Unreal Engine 3 games, MGS4 is a relief. Very happy to hear from you I'm doing okay, I hope you're doing even better adios.
AC you can't tell apart, this shots are like the ones GT used to do without HDMI, but The Orange Box I guess X360 version is best, GTA is a joke their own review said PS3 was a little better now when Quaz 51 said X360 is 720P and PS3 is 640 gamespots like oh sh!t the thing is X360 has more pixels, but PS3 looks best cuz of the effects. COD4 both use the same texture mapping sometimes PS3 textures are of lower res, but the same can be said for X360, Burnout is the best I don't think anyone could tell which version are they looking at, I think PS3 got a bit of a deapth of field going with some objects, and has a higher framerate. R6 well first let gamespot get true HDMI screens for PS3 then we'll talk. NFS is best on Xbox no doubt. Madden Xbox again.
Yeah, I know what you mean, it's hard to find a game that is actually worth spending money on. In game mechanics respect I don't think MGS4 will be out of this world new, but I think it'll bring a quite a bit of new ideas and also I'm sure the game as a whole will be very innovating all MGS games were, so looking forward for that one.
Hey getset you got it on X360 right? So, anyway about GTA IV I played it and sadly it did not meet my expectations, but "sold it already" c'mon man it's not that bad, I'll let you in on a little secret a few days before GTA IV release I still had San Andreas installed on my PC, I can't say a used to play it, maybe once in a month and the same thing will be true for GTA IV, I'll pick it up from time to time (play online maybe) and eventually one day I'll finish the campaign, but with MGS4 on its way eventually... Now MGS4 is all I want in a game.
Hey JerNewbz, where are you going to get a PS3 with 60GB HDD for 150$? As for the console this is your choice only, if you think you will play X360 games get X360, but if you like Metal Gear Solid, GT, God Of War or just about any PS/PS2 games I would recommend PS3, and one more thing PS3 is a better value for money, cuz you are getting more than just a game console, but if all you need is a game console it's down to the games and which controller you prefer.
Hey getset have to agree about Wii it got boaring to soon, also I hope they bring PS2 games to 40gb model through software emulation. Well a lot of reviews have been writing PS3 version looks a bit better and has shorter load times, Sixaxis stuff too, but online Xbox Live is a bit better. Want to hear something funny?... well I'll tell you anyway I now this bloke and the fact he has got PS3 and X360 is a sad misunderstanding so he is getting a PS3 version and when asked about it he said, he did not like the green XBOX stripe on the case of X360 version and that's why he will get the PS3 version.
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