oh, and jack that research paper from Sony, you know Cell is doing all the pixel shading right? right and uses 5 SPE, so if you make a game that way, there isn't too much processing power left for: sound, phisics and A.I thus you are making a game that looks very very good, but plays like old-gen (just like most of X360 games, if you know what I mean) plus devs are lazy they don't want to learn new things and one more thing, there are not too many TVs around with 60+fps.
wait just a minute getset, so you admit that PS3 version of DiRT is better? As for GRAW 2, yes aliasing is a problem and yes "frame rate struggles at times" is a problem, but colors are a mostly a matter of taste, you like X360 version, my brother prefers PS3 version and I love colors in the PC version(I know it's a entirely different game) although Gamespot did not like it. Sixaxis makes PS3 version so much fun, although not always. But tell me getset how many X360 games were really that good be honest.
You know getset that "promises, promises,promises" works so well with X360, for every quality game on PS3 there is maybe, o.k I'll say 2 on X360, one extra, quality, game with a year headstart, ha ha. And just to point out development progress, GRAW 2 is just as good, if not better on PS3 and DiRT is definitely better on PS3, so devs are catching up. AS for deferred shading I think it's cool and it's almost impossible on X360. I knew Cell/B.E was good, but challenge GeForce 7800GTX in shading operation, this is just super.
yeah 1080p is here but 7.1 surround sound is still a novelty. Yes next-gen is here, but did it bring us what we hoped for. I think in terms of gameplay the improvement over the last-gen is minimal, the games which try to be innovative are letdowns, take Lair, this game could and should have been great, but what did we get a half ready game with horrible controls.
yeah sure, but making games like NBA, FIFA, or PES exclusives is pushing your financial state making exclusives makes sense only on PS2 then Wii and then X360, only way someone will make PS3 exclusive is that he is in love with 7.1 sound, 1080p and volumetric effects.
hey FirstAlchemist1 what you sad about multi-platforms games being a thing of the past is so wrong, you see it doesn't matter if you're making a game for Xbox or you're making a game for PS both of them cost quite a lot of money to develop, so making a game exclusive doesn't make sense if you want to make profit.
hey getset! hey slick how you been? I spent last two weeks at my brothers place and guess what, he has a PS3. Now I know what is it like to own a PS3 and I must say it's way cooler than having X360. and it's not only about the games, it's the feel of the thing, the quality and most of all sixaxis I mean the layout, it's still good old DualShock and I've been playing with it from mid 90s, I'm used to this button layout and to the shape of the thing. getset believe me Warhawk is good and nowhere nearly as overhyped as Halo 3, by the way have you heard Halo 3 has 1080p support very nice. Now about Lair I have mixed feeling about it, I mean when you watch it, it looks o.k but when you play it for the first time it's hell, later you get used to controls but they're easily the worst aspect of this game graphics are o.k, even good: HDR, Parallax mapping very nice but fire and water as in like waterfall(not sea) are not realistic at all, clearly the game is not properly finished. Also fps leave a lot to be desired. But 4.5 is a bit harsh.
I've heard Crytek is working on a PS3 game other than Crysis, so I guess we'll have a taste of CryENGINE 2 so this is cool. As for PES, o.k, soccer is the most popular sport, o.k? and PES is the best soccer experience(ask any true fan) so Leipzig, Germany, I'm not at all surprised. Now, Bioshock ".ini" file, not exactly a leak, people in IGN know more but they are not letting us on, all they say is that PS3 version never went further than planning stage and also politics(Microsoft I guess) was involved.
Thanks for the info getset. And now for a sick joke by IGN UK, they just reviewed Heavenly Sword and the score is.... 7.0. I've read all of their previews all of them were very, very positive, I listen to their PS3 podcast and it seemed the entire team was in love with this game and now this, presentation 9, I mean c'mon how is that even possible but wait, here is a good one gameplay... 6 and the game gets criticized for rather big number of opponents and that "you enter a small, enclosed area which is locked down until you've cleared it of opponents, then progress to the next tiny section, ready to do it all again and again and again." o.k this does sound annoying(and not true) but Devil May Cry 3 had something like this and it got 10 out of 10 for gameplay.
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