And I agree that text on a lot of games are extremely hard to decipher!
Awful_Cleric's forum posts
Who Cares? Gaming is about immersion. Not how solid the pixel count displays itself on high def. This reminds me of people who are worried about their own particular home entertainment system. Even if you have the best picture in the land to watch the special cable channels that offer it.
YOU are STILL watching essentially POOP!...that's not to say that I myself do not own HDTV. I play on both standard and high def(multiple consoles) its just that when I'm playing a game graphics do enhance the experience but what TV you play it on does not...only the mind set of having to play it on a HDTV set makes people not enjoy the overall experience and that's rather shallow.
Not that your shallow for asking...just a generalized rant.
First off let me say that I'm 30 so when they released Mortal Kombat for home console it was around my 14th birthday and my folks were set on buying me a console...I chose Genesis and MK because? BLOOD!! Super nintendo did not have blood!!!my folks have always been cool with my videogames and did not care that the game had a M rating. And I love them this for supporting me as an adult, for allowing me to make choices and to make decisions on my own. Life is something we participate in, we don't watch from the sidelines and games are just like that as well. When you make that choice to save the princess or sacrifice yourself for the greater good of the kingdom (choose a JRPG)...and yes, even when you have to decide when to kill a compatriot in GTA or Double Agent.
So in short (too late) the only game I would say that would make me feel uncomfortable playing in front of my parents would be...naked Jenga....or possibly The Sims.
Ridiculous And Stupid.
I play games for fun and if I unlock achievements along the way...then Kudos to me.
but otherwise?...YOU HAVE TO BE JOKING!!!
It just takes time in Oblivion
That and make certain that you play your character to what you have made. Example: Don't run in with your sword swinging if your character is more suited to stealth and entrapment.
COD4 Hands down.
It really put me off the whole FPS experience. It was highly praised and over hyped and I agree that it was exceptional to the genre but after halo3 and gears, COD4 was just the proverbial beating of the dead horse.
also I didn't like God Of War even though I had a special reserve and forced myself to beat it because of the story line.
but in the end it was far too monotonous.
I did the same thing with Two Worlds...(sigh) What a loser I am:roll:
I was playing R6 Vegas and I heard this kid on my team who was yelling that we had to kill all the "Brown" people because all the "Brown" People are terrorists.
Just like in the movies!
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