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Got my LICENSE!!!

Well I got my license yesterday and I didn't have enough time to post that I got one so I will now(I know you all wanted to know if I got it yesterday:P)  I was really nervous, but I did really good, I had no errors:D.  Now I will finnaly get to drive to school, instead of taking the horrible bus:D

Anyway that's all thats new, I'm playing a lot of PoP:3 I'll prbably finish it over the weekend. 

Getting my license tomarrow!....hopefully

I've been waiting and waiting and I finnaly got an appointment to go and get my drivers license.  It's tommarow morning, I'm really excited!:D I will tell you all tomarrow if I get it or not.  Wish me luck :P

Oh and I've been playing a lot of PoP:the two thrones, and I'm loving it.  It's a lot beter than warrior and I'm about halfway through.

I'm baaaack!

Well, actually I've been back for a week, but I haven't had much time to do a blog post.  I've been really busy this week, I've been moving all the furniture because we're painting and putting in new's been uhhh fun....:P

I beat a couple of games on my trip, New Super Mario Bros and Feel The Magic.  I might do a review for them, but I have school starting next week:cry:.  I'll be a senior which is good, but during the school year I do very little gaming. 

Oh and I got a couple of games over the week, Jak X and PoP: the two thrones.  Can anyone tell me the story of the 2nd Pop because I never beat the game, and never really wanted to since I would get lost all the time.

Won't be here next week

Next week I'm going on vacation to Lake Tahoe.  I'm not very excited about it, but I'll have some quality time to play my new DS games such as Resident Evil: DS and Feel The Magic.  I know I'm going to get tons of PMs to join unions when I get back, hooray:roll:.

Hope you all have a good week, next week.  And I hope I don't miss any major gaming news.:P

I got a DS lite!

Woohoo! I finnally got my DS lite!  I'm glad that it doesn't have  the crack that everyone is talking about.  I bought 2 games with it, New Super Mario Brothers and Brain Training.  I'm having a blast with NSMB and I haven't started Brain Training, but I'm looking forward to it.  I'm going to go to my local Gamestop to buy Feel The Magic, it's only $10 and it looks like fun.

Oh and it's 108 degrees, it's horrible......I think I'm going to go see a movie, it's cold there...I hope.

Getting a DSLite!

I've been saving up some money for the past couple of months and I'm gonna get a DS lite this weekend!  I was wondering what games I should get when I get it.  I'll probably get two, so name some games please.  I have also done a review for MGS: Digital Graphic Novel, reccomend it if you want to.

And I am now level 19!  Guitaroo Man!!!!

The Reason Nintendo Can't Win In America

Over the past couple of months I have heard a lot of things about Nintendo from friends and family.  I would say 100% of it is bad.

I was in the car with a couple of my friends and I was reading EGM.  My friend saw what I was reading and saw an article about how the DS is selling out in Japan.  And Everyone(except me) was saying how the DS was the "stupidist handheld ever" and that "It is nothing compared to the PSP".  I was shocked because among the "hardcore gamers" the DS is one of the greatest systems.  I asked if they have ever played one and they all said no......they thought it was stupid because of the concept of the DS and how Nintendo is a kids company.

Another incident happened when the Wii was announced as the new name.  I had told my mom the new name of the Revolution without telling her what the Wii was.  She thought it was "some-sort of new cell-phone".  And when I told her that the Wii was the new Nintendo console she said "that is the worst name".

The last incident happened today and that is why I finnaly wrote this blog-post.  On the cover of an old EDGE magazine cover had the DS lite on it.  My dad asked what it was, he seemed like he thought it was cool.  I said it was the DS.  He asked what the DS was , and I replied the Duel Screen.  He then said "oh that stupid Nintendo thing, at least it looks cool":shock:

As you can see, Nintendo is seen as a kids company and as "stupid" by the average consumer(not all,  I know).  The only way I see Nintendo rule gaming again in America is by:

1)Changing the name of the Wii too something that isn't.....weird

2)Start getting some more mature games

3)And get a lot of third-party support

Please, no flaming.:|  I do not hate Nintendo(I like Nintendo), I'm just stating facts that I have seen lately. 

(I don't know if what I wrote even makes sense, it's 12:10 AM so I'm kind of out of it:P)

Oh the pain....

I'm now back from a weekend of pain.  I went paintballing with my friends and I got shot....ALOT.  I have 6 welts all along my body and right arm.  I also got the worst sunburn I have ever gotten:cry:.  My whole upper-body is burnt and it hurts to move my arms.  Oh ya, I also dropped a bowling ball on my right foot....I don't think I broke it, but it hurts like hell!:?

Today I went to my local Circuit City and was glad to see a great sale.  They had a sale of games for only $9!:D  I bought Getting Up, Path of Neo, and Ultimate Spiderman.  They didn't have a great selection, I was really mad that they didn't have any PSP games.  But only $9 for a new game, I couldn't resist. :P