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Sony is pissing me off!

All right I have been getting pretty mad at Sony lately and what I read today on 1up just made me snap.  The article said that PS3 games might be more expensive than the 360 games.:shock:  What?!  It's hard enough for me to get enough money for the PS3, but having games more than $60 is just outragous!  If this is true, I don't know if I will get a PS3.  Also those stupid things Sony has been saying lately is getting me mad too!  With quotes saying the PS3 is too cheap, the PS3 is a computer and that computers are now obsolete, and that they could sell 5 million PS3's without selling any games is really getting to me!:evil:

And those of you who think I am a "Sony Hater" are way off, I am the biggest Sony fanboy you will ever find.  Almost every electronic thing in my house is Sony, including the computer I am now typing on.

At least Jeff Gerstmann actually posted on my blog which was awsome!:D  Maybe he will let me be on his friends list  haha I wish:P

On the Spot

Woohoo, I was mentioned on On the Spot!  They didn't say my last name though which made me mad:evil:.  I know the reason though, my last name is hard to pronounce.  It's Koepf.......I doubt anyone who read this would know how to pronounce it.  I have now had my name on the Hotspot and on On the Spot.:D.

Yesterday I finished the Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel for the PSP and will have a review up soon.  I have to write about 5 reviews for games that I have beaten in the last 2 weeks:P

It is soooo HOT!

I am dieing of the heat.....:(  It's 98 degrees up here in northern california and it's horrible:cry:.  I wish I had an air-conditioner.  Oh and I beat Kingdom Hearts 2 yesterday night.  I loved it and I can't wait for the next one to come out.  I didn't finish every objective, but I got pretty close.  I saw the special ending online and it's interesting, it raises a bunch of questions.

Well thats it for me.  I'm gonna try to see if I can fit in my freezer.:P

I love summer

Yes I do love summer.  I have all the time in the world to play as many video-games as I want:P.  I have played over 25 hours of Kingdom Hearts 2 within one week....that might not be a lot for some of you, but that is a lot to me.  Since I know that a lot of you have played KH2, how long does it take to beat it?

And today I purchased Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel.  It's really interesting, and I enjoy reading/watching it.  It seems to have the same story as the original metal gear Solid which is cool because I forgot a lot of how the story went.  Hopefully all of you are having a good summer.:D

Finnaly Beat KH and just started KH2

I have finnaly beaten Kingdom Hearts after owning it for nearly four years:P.  And I just started playing Kingdom Hearts 2:D.  It's really good, but it's a bit confusing playing as Roxas, his story is messed up.  Right now I'm Sora and I'm at a tower where I just met pete.  And whats up with Axel sounding exactly like Reno(from FF7:Advent Children):P

SCHOOLS Out!!! And I can now play games!

Yes, I am now a senior.  And I can now play video games!!!!!  I've been playing Kingdom Hearts for the last couple of hours and I have almost beaten it.  I'll probably get Kingdom Hearts 2 soon.

Noo SCHOOOOL!!!!!!!:D

Haven't been on much lately

As you may have noticed I haven't been on gamespot much for the last couple of weeks.  I've been having a lot of homework lately and now I have to study for my exams next week so I won't be on much until school is over.  Hopefull my exams will be ok, but expect me on a lot during the summer:P

Definitely too much E3

You may know from my previous blog post that I have watched allof gamespots coverage of E3 for Wed.  I have now finished all of Thursdays coverage and I am starting to watch fridays.:P

And I haven't noticed until today that I am now level 15 w00t:D

Probably too much E3

Uhhh I watched the entire live coverage of E3 on Gamespot yesterday.  After I got home I just sat down and started to watch the ones that were happening earlier in the day.  I am actually watching one of todays right now.  I don't know how I watched all 8 hours:P.

Besides that I took all my drivers lessons so I can get my licence!  Except I need to save for insurance, so I will get it right before the next school year starts in august.  Well it's off to watch more E3(I need help......and a life:P)

2nd Day of press conferences

Well many of you probably like the Halo franchise, well HALO 3 was revealed in a trailer and I was.....not very impressed.  Graphically it looked good, but it was nothing compared to the MGS4 trailer at TGS.  If it had more action or showed some of the story I may have liked it more.  Also Rockstar has announced GTA4 for the 360 and PS3(WOOHOO!)

I haven't read much about the Nintendo press conference so I can't say much, but out of the trailers I saw the graphics were pretty good, at least better than I thought they would be on it.

And did anyone see the Heavenlysword gameplay yesterday at Sonys conferance, that looked really looked good, that right now is one of my top 5 PS3 games.  Plus a new emblem for watchimg the Sony press conference:D