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I want the PS3 even MORE!

OMG the press event is over and boy did it give us some surprises.  First thing the controller is back to look like it did on the PS2, second the controller has new technology allowing you to move the controller to move the things onscreen.  And third PS3 is 500 for 20 gig or 600 for 60gig.

I need a bit more money, but from what I have seen it is worth it.

Can't wait for E3!

Yes I am finnaly getting excited about E3:D!  I can't wait to find out all I can about the Playstation 3 and the Nintendo Revol:| ..... I mean Wii(I can't get used to that :roll: )  There is news all ready coming out before E3 and a XBOX360 game is having a sequal exclusive for the PS3(Full Auto 2) HAHA in ur face:lol:.....i don't know why I said that.

I have one problem, I'm gonna be gone during the Sony press conference on monday.  I have to take a drivers lesson, and on tuesday (when nintendo conference takes place) I will be taking another drivers lesson.................:cry:.  I hate those stupid drivers lessons, I'm a good driver so why do I have to take them, + it's with stangers who might be mean(or kill ME!! :shock: )  And I have the SAT on saturday which sux....ughhhh I have the bad(lessons + SAT) right before the good(E3).

Wii think this name is stupid

WTF!!?  Nintendo changed the 'Revolution" to the "Wii"....... why?  I thought the "Revolution" was an awsome name, but this for a gaming console?  Ughhh and I was thinking of buying a revolution too.....I guess I still will but what will I say to people?  "Wanna go home and play with my Wii?"  "Where's my Wii controller?"  "I can't stop playing with my Wii!"

I acted this way to the revolution controller, where I though it was stupid then gradually thought it was awsome, but I don't know if I will eventually like Wii.

My quest for FF7:Advent Children

Well yesterday during lunch my mom went out to get FF7:Advent Children.  She went to Circuit City and they had already sold out, she then went to Kmart and they were sold out.  So when I got home I had called her to see if she had gotten it.  She said that everywhere she went was sold out.

I then decided I'll go to best buy to buy it.....they were sold out.  I then walked to the Target next to best buy, and they said they sold out of there 80 copies in 2 hours!:shock:

I finnaly had to go to the mall and buy the last copy of it at a DVD store.....It must be popular!

Oh and watched it and I love it:D!  But if you haven't played FF7 you will have trouble understanding what's going on.(I even had troubles understanding what was going on and I have beaten FF7)

Not another year of STAR testing

F**k STAR testing!  OMG I hate it so much:evil:.  This year is worse because if my school does bad I'm gonna suffer next year.  My school district is really stupid, and I go to the only smart school, and if the district does bad on the STAR test I have to go to lectures next year about how to take the F***ing STAR testing.  Since all the schools are stupid in my district my school is going to have to do good and raise up the test scores.  I ussusally just make pictures out of the multiple choice, now I'm gonna have to try:cry:...............ughhh I feel better now that I got that off my chest:P

In other news, Final Fantasy Advent Children comes out tomarrow:D!!!  I've been waiting for soooo long, I even resisted the japanese movie which is online, so it better be good.  I'm having my mom pick it up and leaving it home so I can watch it after I take the stupid STAR testing.

And I am now a Ring King8)

I probably should be doing my homework

I have been gaming and watching TV all week, I haven't even started my two big projects.  Uhhh I don't want to, but my mom will kill me if I don't have one of them done by sunday morning:cry:.  I guess I won't be on much over the weekend.  Hopefully it will go by fast.

Oh and does anyone know of any good gaming podcasts?:P

Spring Break A Time For Gaming

OK I am now playing videogames!  I got them back monday and haven't had much time to play them until yesterday.  I restarted Kingdom Hearts because I never finished it and I want to before I get KH2.  I'm also playing a little bit of daxter here and there.  It is really good, but I don't think it is as good as people are saying it is.

I've also beeen watching all of the Red VS. Blue videos, it is awsome.  I'm only on episode 26 though.  I'll probably finish them up by the end of spring break.

I won't be on for a while....

I won't be on Gamespot for the next couple of days because of Easter and my grandpa died yesterday:cry:.  He was realy nice and I'm gonna miss him.  So I will be back on by wed, but until then expect me on rarely.  I did get my gaming stuff back and I did buy Daxter so theres a little good news.  Happy Easter everyone:D

Only 1 week until I can play some more video games!

OMG my report card came home and I got a C- in one of my classes so my parents have taken away my PS2:cry:.  They said I can't get it back until the end of the school year.  But, if I show them what my grade is next friday,in the class I had a C- in, and it's a B- or above they will let me play it during spring break:D!  I know I will have a B- or higher so I can't wait to play some games.

And what happened to all my emblems:??!  At first I lost my top 1000 reviewers emblem, than I lost my voted twice emblem, now I lost my Popular emblem:shock:.  What the heck is going on?!  And I am now Toobin woohoo:)

Can't think of topic

Somenone didn't like my Jak 3 review and they unreccomended it.  I feel so hurt....

In other news my voted twice emblem has become a voted rocker emblem, it should have turned into voted 3 times:evil:!  OOOO I gottta GO TO THE BATHROOM!!!!!:o