BadBoy_97's forum posts
Yeah, coding and graphics are different, but can excellency in the former allow you to make the latter better? I'm thinking here that ND with UC2 managed to make an excellent game, and now they're saying that by refining the game engine, they managed to make the graphics even better for UC3. So is this refining due to better coding and stuff?
Can better coding lead to better implementation of graphics? (This is my main question.)
It's going to do better than the 360? So you listed a bunch of multiplatform games when the 360 has the better online play and you listed MAG which pretty much everyone is saying is only ok (I would agree from the beta) and White Knight which I thought only had decent reviews in Japan. I should love Heavy Rain but since its pretty much all watching cutscenes and quicktime events I don't know how many people will like that. That also was not a long post, it was pretty short, it had big pictures.Legolas_Katarn
Weak argument. MAG - still in beta, and you've heard opinions only. WKC - it's not even out yet, give it a rest. I've heard some great things, too. And yeah it was a long post. Long enough to be forced to split it into two. I just had small segments for each game to avoid making it longer. Remove the pictures and it'll still be the same, note my 2nd post. And even if your argument was sound, there's still the other games. Oh and multiplatform games aren't always better on the 360. Batman: AA is living proof. And over half the multiplatform games I listed don't have online. Single player is superior on the PS3.
Why don't you post this in System Wars? I would like to see the response of the lemmings.Miroku32Oh you know, they'll start to claim they have the now-just-milking-it Halo, SC:C, ME2 and Alan Wake. Don't care for the first 2, Alan Wake looks really good though. ME2 as well. But PS3 is the clear win this time 'round.
Yeah I noted the length. That's without the pictures I intended to place in the 2nd post, too. Skipped out on those because it kept giving me errors the first time I tried posting both posts in one. Ugh.Whoa, he wasn't done...
The first 3 games on your list are...meh....Army of Two...demo sucked. Mag...MEH...White Knight not exclusive. You're avoiding the first Dead Space because you're too late this gen? That doesn't make any sense. You're more hyped for GoW3 than Dante's Inferno but didn't even list GoW3. Dude you're nuts, your topic heading proves it.JKnaperekSorry dude, White Knight Chronicles IS exclusive, first off, Army of Two, while I know isn't a popular choice, is a "guilty pleasure" if you will because it's fun to play with my friends, and I haven't gotten the first Dead Space because I'm catching up on other games (BioShock and inFamous among others) first, doubt if I'll ever even get to it. And I said TBC in 2nd post because apparently there's a writing limit. And I did post the 2nd post right now.
Gran Turismo 5 - PS3 Exclusive - The 4th exclusive on this list. It's got realistic graphics, over 1000 cars, - oh why do I bother. It's GT, you know you're getting it.
Green Day: Rock Band - No particular interest for this myself, but I like Green Day and Rock Band's popular. So here it is.
Lost Planet 2 - Been hearing a lot of good things about this. I'm definitely checking it out.
Max Payne 3 - Maybe this'll take the taste of the movie out of my mouth.
Mafia II - The original was before my time I think, but this is being hyped as a follow up to a great that never got its due. Let's see if it fares better.
Medal of Honor - One of the first games I played on the PS1. Hated it, but then again I never liked shooters back then. Apparently it's supposed to be an alternative to Call of Duty and it sure looks like it from the cover (below), and we all know about CoD. If it's more than just a cheap knock-off, it might be worth it.
Mega Man 10 - I'm sure I'll never beat this. But heck, let's list it.
ModNation Racers - PS3 Exclusive - I'm more than intrigued. Been a while since I've seen this type of racing game - if it's good, and it sure looks like it, I'm going to love it.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned - Most of you probably haven't heard of this one. With good reason, probably, as the previous games weren't even notable (with the possible exception of Legend of Jack Sparrow's story.) This one looks like it's going to be good though - graphics are good, what I've heard about the gameplay seems great, actually. Your choices in the game will help shape your character's looks and repuatation, land and sea gameplay, many weapons, and a varying main plot (they claim). And apparently their approach to combat is "vastly different than any other game." Can this be the Riddick of this gen gaming?
PS: No it doesn't have any characters from the series. A good thing, if you ask me.
The Last Guardian - PS3 Exclusive - Team ICO's long-awaited follow up to SotC. Really looks like a beaut, this one, and I can't wait to get my hands on it. I'm a sucker for gorgeous visuals.
Honarable mentions: Quantum Theory. No idea, the title just grasped me, I'm waiting to hear more about this game to see if it'll be any good.
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. A video game based on a movie based on a video game. Go figure. Not sure if this'll be good but if it is (more than just a movie adaptation, and doesn't feature likenesses) I'll pick it up.
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - A PSP game so it felt out of place to mention in the main lineup, but it's MGS, I just had to mention it.
But wait - notice anything missing?
(Dramatic effect doesn't really work on the internet now does it)
God of War III - PS3 Exclusive, of course.
Without a doubt my most anticipated game this year, haters be damned. Everything I hear about this makes me want it more, and I'm just waiting impatiently to see how Kratos's story ends. But year, I'm mostly getting it for the gory (and purely awesome) gameplay. Let the killing spree begin.
Woah, that went on for longer than I expected.
Intended to talk about motion control too but I'll leave that for another time, this post is long enough and it's late as hell.
As you can see, the exclusives really look just steal-worthy amazing. (At least) 8 amazing exclusives, (at least) 21 great games. I can feel my wallet burning already.
I'm sure I missed something, though, even with this exhaustive list. Go ahead, what do you think of all the above? Please contribute, this thread took a while to post :P And any particular games I missed?
Here's to a great 2010 :D
Kudos to this: for the thread title idea.
Now for the actual topic. I'd just like to make it known that I'm not per se a PS3 fanboy, though it's my personal favorite of between the PS3 and 360. The title was just used for effect. I'm a huge movie fan if you haven't guessed by now (thread title = Minority Report, just in case.)
Both these consoles have drool-worthy lineups this year, and I can't wait for both. I really think 2010 is going to be the year that we see where this gen is really going (or in other words, the beginning of the 2nd half of this gen.) My reason for this being, many reasons, like the seemingly burning and uncurable desire companies have to install 3D in every home (so not happening, at least not for a while, what with prices and stuff) and motion control crazes and a great lineup, as well as both these consoles having the same price point for the first time. Should be an interesting year with some great developments.
Anyway this thread isn't for the reasons above. I recently got to thinking exactly how broke I'm going to be this new year. I mean, easy on the cash flow Sony.
Well, at least it's worth the money. So I was thinking of which games I'd be getting this year, and I decided to list them. I do this a lot, actually, and this time I thought, why not post it of there. So, with one hell of a year ahead of us, here's why, in terms of games and evolutions
P.S. Going to be a hell of a long post. As you can see.
CES: Ah the itch for 3D that companies just can't seem to scratch. 3D's great and all, and I'll be damned if I wouldn't love for it to happen someday, but it's too soon. I only just made the switch to HD, and so have many people, and loads, if not most, are still on SD TVs. There's also the issue that 3D just isn't appealing enough. Watching it in a movie, for 2-3 hours, is worth it. Once. I don't care much for having a movie I've already seen in 3D available to me - in 3D - again. The experience is (Ratio of Size of the theater screen over size of HDTV screen) times better in the theater, and it's enough. (Avatar being the sole possible exception.) Plus, no one wants to put on those glasses all the time. There isn't enough appeal in 3D for it to go mainstream. I'll admit gaming in 3D is probably worth it, but gaming market vs TV market is small by comparison. Sports events such as the World Cup this year would be great to watch in 3D, but that's a rare occurence, and it's probably showing in the theaters here anyway. HDTVs caught on because they were a logical step up, evolution, improvement, of SD. 3D is an extra feature - one that most people won't care for. Which is why it won't catch on. The 3D rage is just not worth it.
Now, as for the games. I'm listing PS3 exclusive/focused games. Or just PS3 games I'm really anticipating.
Army of Two: The 40th Day. Enjoyed playing the first's campaign with a friend, looking forward to this one's improvements.
MAG - PS3 Exclusive. 256-player online play? Holy #%&@. All I can say is it better not take 2 days to find a game :P Jokes aside, this really looks (to me) like the first PS3-exclusive online game that 360 gamers will envy.
White Knight Chronicles - PS3 Exclusive. Listing this because it's an owning exclusive RPG. And did I mention it looks super-cool?
Dante's Inferno - I'm not too excited for this one, more hyped for GoW (more on that in a bit), but might give it a spin.
BioShock 2 - The first definitely warrants playing the sequel, but I'm a bit skeptical about playing as a Big Daddy. Will wait for the reviews on this one, and I doubt I'll like it as much as the original. Looks good though.
Heavy Rain - PS3 Exclusive - And here's my first really anticipated game. Movie-like storytelling? Characterizations? Innovative ideas? Realistic emotions? Applying make-up? Wait, what..
Definitely looking forward to this game, I'm really expecting a great story, and yes I do care for that a lot in a game. Comes equal to gameplay with me.
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy - need I say more? Was a bit disappointed when they said this is coming to the 360. Will always feel like an exclusive to me. Here's to Versus XIII and hoping it comes out this year too. Let's throw in Final Fantasy XIV as well, which is coming out this year. Hell of an FF year huh?
Crysis 2 Really looking forawrd to this one, I want to see what CryTek can do with the PS3 hardware and how it'll compare to the PC and 360 versions. If it doesn't look better than the 360 version, I'll strangle someone.
Dead Space 2 - Haven't played the first but I'm probably getting this one when it comes out depending on the reception. Only reason I didn't get the first was because I was a bit late to jump into this gen.
DC Universe Online - PS3 Exclusive (on consoles) - what with the success of Batman: AA and this having the DC heroes. Fighting. Can't see it going wrong.
Okay I can see a million ways it can go wrong, this is still an adaptation, but one can hope, can't he?
(TBC in 2nd post)
No.... a multiplat for 360 will never be graphics king. The graphics looked very nice for the time but looking at them now I just can't say the same thing. The gun models are kinda pathetic (with exceptions of course), and the environments all took the easy route by being dusted with cocoa powder to go for a gritty realistic look. It's easy to produce great graphics when 90% of the world is brown and then just a tiny bit is green.... Graphics are much more impressive when they're colorful, brown and grey are such commonly used colors in games today because it's so easy to make graphics look better than it really does.
Then remember it's on the 360. Most people, even 360 fans, would tell you the PS3 is the best console for graphics. The ones who don't would say that the 360 can but hasn't yet. Very few people would actually say a game on the 360 looks as good as Uncharted 2 or Killzone 2. And when they do they say Gears of War 2, which is once again all grey and brown.
You smell that? It smells like irony.....Gears of War 2 has more color than Killzone 2, so your side comment there is moot. I will agree though Killzone 2 does look better than Gears of War 2.
Pretty much what I thought. The graphics certainly are impressive and detailed, but they're not numerous. Uncharted 2 just has such a huge variety and so many random details in the environments that it just blows any console game out the water. I still can't believe how colorful and detailed some levels are. The ones I was most impressed with were the Nepal levels, especially the one with the temple (the huge dagger puzzle one.) Plus, Best. Snow. Ever.
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