BadBoy_97's forum posts
Don't worry, unless the devs plan financial suicide, I don't think hard copies are going anywhere. I personally CANT download demos, let alone full games. My internet's too slow. Not everyone finds it convenient to live their life online, some are more old-fashioned, and some just can't always download. What about renting? What about selling a used game to a store or buying one, or trading in? I practically live off those, I can't afford to always buy every game. It's just pretty stupid to do, considering the current prices of thing i'll say, i just hope that the next generation wont rely on downloadable service only. i h8 to pay for crap that i "don't own". i like my collections in my room, not on some freaking clowd service. Let's hope all console manufacturers take something from sonys antipiracy playbook , and the physical media lives on.
I'm actually more curious as to what they'll look like compared to UC2, the first game that used 100% of the Cell. (See if they can still improve on the graphics and such and by how much.) It's really a great thing Naughty Dog managed what it did this early on.Amen. XD I just wonder what the final batch of Playstation 3 games will look like compared to the first games released for the system.
built in disc changer, the ability to open multiple widows for different tasks at once (game, internet, photos etc) piture in picture kinda thing, built in camera, ill come back when i have more ideas...winner-ps3Disc changer probably won't be needed, think by then it'll be dual layer BDs, and seeing as they're working on making a single side of a BD 33+GB, that's 66GB on one disc. Don't think we'll be needing more than that for a while. And how exactly can you play a game AND use the internet at the same time? Isn't muiltitasking just easier than picture in picture? Actually kind of surprised the PS3 doesn't have it right now, it really should.
PS2 was sure maxed out, I think :P God of War 2 and whatnot, plus it's continuing til now... And as far as a PS4, trust me, that's not coming out for another 5 years at the least. This gen still has quite a way to go, I mean there's only so much you can do after HD for now. If it comes out before then I really doubt anyone would drop money for another console that quickly. I only JUST bought a PS3, I'd be royally ticked off if in 2 years there'd be a PS4, damn. Doesn't the PS3 have like 7 cores or something, which owns most desktops anyway? Even the Microsoft people have said that they can see this gen lasting 10 years at least.i don't even want to think of the next generation of consoles. Most developers don't take advantage of the full potencial of a console cause they can only learn so much in a console lifecycle. I was tottaly psyched when i when this generation would last longer than usual :D
After HD - 3D? or just some even higher definition like 1440p? 3D Gaming definitely sounds intriguing (imagine GT or Wipeout or Uncharted in HD) and like it could be a success, especially with Sony really giving it a huge push, but it's bit of a big risk. First off, HD kind of only just became mainstream. Most people have only had one for like 2 or less years. I personally only just got a new 46" and as much as I'd love 3D gaming, buying a new TV for it is just a no-go. If Sony can somehow manage to allow us 3D gaming without a new 3D TV, I'd be great with that.
Three other issues: glasses, which hardly anyone likes to put on, let alone for long periods of time. Second, the headaches some people get from 3D. Personally never experienced that but for those who have..
And third, there's the fact that some people might not want it. 3D, in many cases aside from just gaming, has been touted as "the new HD". While this may prove to be true, it's more than likely it won't be. HD was, very simply, an improved SD. No strings attached, no complications, no sacrifices or whatever. The appeal is obvious to everyone, not just some. 3D on the other hand - people would think what the advantage is, if they even care enough, the glasses and their hasle, the price, etc.
3D gaming I'd love. Even 3D BD's, so I'm glad my PS3 is my BD player (will get an update that'll allow it 3D movies and games later on). But I'm definitely not getting a new TV anytime soon, it's not exactly cheap. If Sony manages to get 3D to everyone, without forcing a 3D TV on us (even if its limited), I'm game. But I think I speak for many, if not most people, when I say 3D gaming just won't kick off for a few years if you're going to need an expensive 3D TV.
What do you guys think?
This is all well and good, you know, 3D gaming is an exciting option (though not one I find people likely to flock to like HDTVs and stuff) and alternative, and seeing as I have a PS3 then I've got a 3D console and BD player - but the problem is that we might need a new 3D TV to actually use the 3D in the PS. I only recently bought a new HDTV and I doubt I'm buying one again anytime soon (at least a few years) so hopefully 3D gaming won't catch on as quickly as it might. Or preferably, that we won't need a 3D TV to use it.
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