x360 sells way too much software for it to end like the xbox.7thSIN
Exactly, the 360 has one of the consistantly highest attach-rates in gaming history, I very much doubt theyre going to flush it down the pan anytime soon.
Read the IGN preview. They say the first scene is the best...it goes downhill bigtime from there. Graphically/technically they say its mess beyond that point.
I highly doubt they've played the entire game :roll:
This is just like Blue Dragon, where everyone wrote it off because of the demo, but it's actually quite an enjoyable game.
[QUOTE="EntwineX"]Heh, oh well, I guess technically it's illegal. Reminds me of a recent incident with those "Vista ready" labels in computers which couldn't handle Aero or some other Vista features, can't remember how that ended tho.Pro_wrestler
It is but it reminds me of that other loser who is sueing for $5 million because his copy of Halo 3 broke his 360. Why would they reward this guy with that much money for a machine that cost 1/10000000 of that? Thats putting him in a better position than him and his family would ever imagine being in, thats definitely not justice if he were to win that case.
All thats going to happen if he were to win is that everyone that felt "short-changed" by the false advertising will get their $60 bucks back.
Probably for "emotional damages" when he realises what an effing loser he is.
I'm actually surprised more stuff like this doesn't happen. Isn't there a lot of upscaling and trickery going on with most games claiming to be "TRUE HD"?locopatho
The video game industry is unique in that it gets away with absolute MURDER when it comes to thing's like this.
Just look at the 360 - Buy one, BREAKDOWN FREE.
or the MANY PS3 promises that haven't come to fruition - you wouldn't buy a car and state things it CAN'T DO as a selling point :roll:
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