I never post here, but this thread caught my eye. I am rather shocked nobody here bothered to double check the numbers she is giving you, so I decided I would do just that, and here is what I found.
According to VGchartz
PS3 outsold the 360 by around 920,000 units in Japan in 2007 LINKNecroCharm
I had to check how much both sold before 2007 and then subtract that from what you provided. The difference was 960,688.
P.S3 outsold the 360 by around 800,000 units in EU/AU in 2007 LINKYellow_Rose
The playstaion 3 sold 3,638,719 based on that link, the 360 sold, which is harder as it was out longer. But total based on that the 360 sold 5,261,383 total, so you need to subtract what it sold from Dec 2005 to dec 2006, VG says it sold 2,591,267, so subtracted that makes 360's 2007 total 2,670,116. So that means the PS3 outsold the 360 by 968,603.
... that's 1.72million sold altogether. But,....Yellow_Rose
No based on Vgchartz thats 1,929,291.
According to NPD..... 360 outsold the PS3 by over 2.1 million in NA in 2007.Yellow_Rose
More like 2.06 million.
"But but why aren't you using 360's VGchart number" - sony fanboy....because if I did, then the 360 outsold the PS3 by over 2.51 million in NA in 2007.Yellow_Rose
Not based on Vg, it says 1,777,078 not 2.5.
So according to VGchartz, the 360 outsold the PS3 worldwide in 2007 by either400k or 800K.Yellow_Rose
Using VGchartz it says
Xbox 360 outsold PS3 in NA by 1,777,078
PS3 outsold 360 in Japan by 960,688
PS3 outsold 360 in Euro/Aus by 968,603
Combined in Japan and Euro/Aus the PS3 outsold the 360 by 1,929,291 and it says the 360 outsold the PS3 in NA by 1,777,078 meaning VGchartz says the PS3 outsold the 360 in 2007 by 152,213. So based on VGchartz the PS3 DID outsell the 360 last year. Using NPD it says the 360 outsold the PS3 in NA by 2,060,000 so taking away VGchartz numbers the 360 outsold the PS3 by a small sum of 130,709 for the year, not good since the PS3 wasnt launched in Europe until March.
Buts it's 3:30 am so anybody is invited to show me any errors I may have made.
Launch year for PAL regions Cow.
The 360 outsold the PS3 worldwide, I don't know why you mention Australia because the 360 and Wii gave the PS3 a FLOGGING last year, even though it was marketed as a blu-ray machine, LOL.
Cows :roll: :cry:
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