This is so far one of the best games I've ever played. I'm not a new gamer either been playing since BBC Acorn and Spectrum days.
I'm a few hours in and its so engrossing and I'm quite surprised about GS's review as compared to RPG's its a genre defining title that deserves credit. Like Gears which is genre defining for 3rd person action shooters even if its not my cup of tea you have to give itr credit and a high score.
This game is far more amazing then Assassins Creed which got a 9.0. Very confusing ratings usually I agree with GS in many terms. I remember Jade Empire getting a 8.7(?) and other sites giving it like 9.5+ and I agreed it lacked a certain sumthing from Bioware and RPG's.
But this game is a must have and play game. It's crazy how this isnt a GOTY contender. Assassins Creed, Halo3, R&C, COD4 are all fine games. But Mass Effect, Orange Box, Crysisand SMG are all genre defining amazing games that play well and will define games for the future.
So far Orange Box, and my time with SMG and Mass Effect makes me think these 3 games are the real contenders for GOTY. Its shocking that Assassins Creed got more than a 7.5 its a decent game like the Darkness, Crackdown etc but fails in so many areas like those games mentioned.
Enough of my blabber. I dont wanna upset any massive AC fans as its a decent title. But ME is a amazing game that all RPG fans (including Eastern fans) should play.
I agree.
Certainly the staff at GameSpot are a all 'WTF' at how Assassin's Creed scored higher than Mass Effect when it's absolute rubbish (easily my worst purchase of the year, too).
Kevin VanOrd shouldnt review RPG's as far as I'm concerned he gave Blue Dragon a 6.0 when it deserved, at the very least, a 7.5, and Completely underscored Mass Effect, largely because of the Mako :roll:
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