[QUOTE="Gamingcucumber"] For some reason my Xbox 360 port expectationjust went sky high. Seem really strange, in fact I think we saw this with the Orange Box when they delayed the game so it could be released with the console versions.
Anyhow...holy cricket cows. If this turns out to be final the PS3 really is in deep ¤#&" until at least 2008. And the fact that
God Of War doesn't come out until 2010 doesn't justify waiting 2 years for excellent games no matter how good they are. I mean look, the sony fans bought a PS3 on launch for what? 599 bucks? And by the time their favorite games come out the system will be at least 350$. Smart move.
I'm sorry, was Gears a luanch title for 360? It seems to me that PS3 has R&C and Uncharted within about the same time frame. You do remember those two games, right? Or Haze, or UT3, or LBP, or Home, or KZ2, or GT, or Socom, need I go on. Just like most of the ignorant Sony-haters, you select a few titles like they are the only ones coming to the system and ignore all of the others.
Funny how all the games you just mentioned were pushed back and delayed into oblivion.
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