Yep, I've almost convinced my parents to buy us a PS3 Slim! They said they'll look into it, and Christmas looks very promising. It's a win-win situation for everyone! I finally get my MGS4 and BlazBlue :P. For now though, I'm trying to figure out what I would want my PSN name to be! XD. I was deciding between Bass7, or my other persona: iToshio. I was also thinking of something with "Lightning" in it since I'm super hyped for FFXIII. Tell me what you guys think of those screen names for PSN, or better yet give me your own suggestions for a PSN name :).
Bass7 Blog
by Bass7 on Comments
I can't believe I forgot my password again -.-...Anyways I'm back, and CHANGED my password this time :P. It got boring guessing it repeatedly over and over again, smashing my keyboard into my foredhead XD. I'm back, hopefully will get back into the forums, and talking with all of you guys :)...if anyone still reads these blogs :P.
Which DSi should I get?
by Bass7 on Comments
Just need some suggestions, whatever you guys think looks better:
I like this one....well becaues it's Lime Green, and I already have an Enamel Navy DS Lite. I don't want to get the same color DSi as my DSL (which imo is pointless)
I like this one....well because it's Kingdom Hearts, and it's Limited Edition. It's very unique because it's LE :P. I like being unique. :D
Help guys! I need to know by....the week of July 3 xD
E3....wait what? It's already here?
by Bass7 on Comments
It's so early this year...I remember last year it started the day before I got my laptop...what the hell lol. I'm stll in school, so how am I supposed to get my emblems for watching press conferences! Ugh That bugs the crap out of me. Oh well, I guess I miss out on my emblems this year -.-. Anyways, haven't really been keeping up much, but from what I've seen I fricken want FFXIII. And wtf FFXIV? God Square Enix ._. I'll update my blog again once I actually watch some of E3...from what I've seen, it's been pretty boring. Lol oh well.
I back from the RE5
by Bass7 on Comments
That's right everyone I'm back :). After a huge break I'm finally back. Well first off I'd like to say it feels great to be back......because that means I figured out my password -.-. Yeah that's right. This whole time I was clueless to what my password was (since I'm usually ALWAYS signed in) but I cleared my cookies like 3 months ago, and yeah it's been hell trying to remember my password. Recovery didn't work either because it sent to my old email....and I forgot the password to that too xD. Anyways I'm back to everyone who cares, and hope to get back into the swing of Gamespot.'ll be a bit odd now though since I haven't really had much time for gaming. Mostly just been hanging out with my girlfriend, and playing more tennis than I should be. Well hope to hear from everyone :).
Holy Crap! It's been a while o.o.
by Bass7 on Comments
Hey what's up to every gamespotter out there that reads my blogs xD. It's been a very long time o.o...I think I lost all of my readers by now :P. I've been way too busy with other things, and haven't really had time to devote myself to Gamespot like I use to be able to. Girlfriend takes up my life now (don't worry, that's a good thing :)). Anyways, nothing much to report in, haven't been able to play much of any game :(. Just lots of DDR :P. I'm trying to also pick up a copy of Fatal Frame II: The Crimson Butterfly, but I can't seem to find one that's not $50 well it was $40 at Gamestop....and that was without the complete box, manual, etc. It's still expensive though, I didn't think a game so old would cost so much lol.
On some other thoughts, I need to talk about my thoughts on the Gaming world at the moment....IT'S SO CONFUSING! I don't know what I want. The PS3 is teh sex, looks nice, love Sony, but it's still a refrigerator....and like other fridges, it's expensive as hell. It's also not getting all of the exclusive that I would want to's losing it's RPGs *cough* FFXIII and Star Ocean * cough*. Now the 360, I like it, but I just hate the controller :(. I'm sorry, I just don't think the buttons are really that great...for some reason they feel....unresponive or sticky to me...I really don't know what it is about them. And eh, EVERYONE has one and it bugs me, because those people who only play FPS games, think they're "hardcore"....but they only play one time of game. I personally believe that a hardcore gamer will play every genre of games. And next up is the Wii....ok I LOVE Nintendo, my family has been with them since the beginning, but wtf Wii. What's with all of these excuses for games? I mean there's a few great games here and there, but I looked a good majority are first party, and the occasional third party. The Wii's Third Party support is pretty bad in my opinion. Too many ports too (though I'm excited to see Pikmin). And SCREW YOU REGGIE, for not publishing Fatal Frame 4....I sure as hell hope Tecmo picks it up and publishes it in NA, otherwise you may never see Reggie and his crazy eyes again :evil:.
Anyways, those are my general thoughts on the gaming world right now :P. I'll be back for me XD.
Haha that's it for now though, I'll be off now, bye you Gamespotters :).
Ja ne~!
Happy Holidays everyone!
by Bass7 on Comments
Me personally, being Christian, obviously celebrates Christmas :P. So yess, Happy Holidays to everyone, no matter what your religion :D.
Anyway, this :(. Since my grandma passed away, that's A LOT of presents gone...I've gotten let's Wii, DS Lite (the Enamel Navy one), my iPod, my Vaio, and tons of other stuff...yeah I'm spoiled, but she spoiled our whole entire extended family :P. The only present I got...was this super expensive North Face jacket. Like...sure I wanted it, but I wanted other things? My parents just gave it to me and were like "here's your present" "guys.....I wanted a Sony Ericsson..." "oh well that's too expensive" " realize this jacket costs more?" "oh....just work for it then ;)" "mom I'm not even old enough to work" "oh yeah...." xD. And apparently my sister and I got Animal Crossing City Folk with Wii Speak, so I'll be able to play with you guys soon :). I think I might be getting like a Best Buy card or something from my aunt, so I'm thinking of things to get. I was thinking maybe ToS2, but like....I heard it's not that great? I played the Japanese one,, I was just fighting, I didn't play the actual game. So idk if it's worth it to get ToS2 xP. I need something to get though, I'm pretty bored :D.
So what do you guys alll want for Christmas? :D
EDIT: Hehehe maybe I'm not getting any materialistic presents this year....because I realized I already have what I wanted most. My amazing amazing AMAZING girlfriend :). I ****IN LOVE her ^^.
It's been a while Gamespot
by Bass7 on Comments
So how's everyone doing?
Lately I've been pretty busy with RL stuff (school, family, girlfriend :)), and I haven't gotten around to post a blog, or even play games! XD...well I did manage to pick up one game....Tetrs DS...cause see, my Girlfriend got me into day I was playing Tetris at my friends house, and she was like "ohhh let me play! I'm HELLA BEAST at it!" and since she jokes around a lot, I thought she wasn't serious. But nope, she was...she was pulling Tetrises one after another :(. She fricken owned me pretty much, so I got obsessed with Tetris for about a week, and beat Tetris DS (well the 20 levels at least). Haha I used to be REALLY bad, but now I"m acceptional...I hope :).
Anyway, there's a whole bunch of other stuff that I could explain, but it's pretty hard to condense and fit into one little blog. Idk if it's really that important either, but if you guys are really interested, then you can just ask, though I doubt you will :P. Pretty much though, while I've been gone, it's been pretty "bipolar". It goes from happy, to sad, to happy, to sad again, and just keeps going. Hopefully it'll end next week, because that really bugs me, because when I get said, it's twice as bad because I'm all super happy, and rainbows and butterflies, and then all of a sudden I'm sad.
I don't know what else to really put here....I'm just kinda lettin' you guys know that I'm still alive :). Next time I think of a blog idea, I'll be sure to actually Blog it ;)
Ja ne~
P.S. you can call me "Chin" if you want's my last name ;).
I can still smell the dye...
by Bass7 on Comments
Well first things first...I got my hair dyed :)....not full dye, she just lightened my hair up a little (sort of a faint brown), and then put some blond highlights in :) stylist other news, school has been consuming my life, haven't touched a single game in like a week...I don't deserve to be on Gamespot :P...also the whole thing with that gf of mine yeah, we brokez up, cause like....we live too far away from each other for our own good, and a crapload of other stuff too....BUT...this makes me look like an ass, but I found another girl.....that I've liked a lot for quite a long while now :)...and she's....apparently liked me for about the same amount of time...haha yeah we started goin out this past Tuesday ( yesterday, the 14th of October, 2008 ), and yeah :D...first day going out though...realllly weird...pretty damn embarassin xDD...and if anyone questions, my girlfriend is Asian, and she's Chinese :)...yay for half of my heritage :D.Haha it's really embarassing sometimes though xP...whenever we walk by friends they're always like that....I wanna say "ew" but that's not exactly like's that weird "oh" and "ew" thing...pssh you guys not what I'm talking about, but they always just go "OHHHHH!" everytime we walk by xDD...holdin hands and stuff like that :P...Yeah, I should probably stop this blog, and start on my homework, that's something I really need to do xD...well c ya for now.
Whooo They're here...
by Bass7 on Comments
And by "they" I mean the Japanese transfer students of course!! ^^d. Yes that's right, our school was lucky enough to get 2 Japanese students from Japan for a whole year (or so I've been told). One boy and one girl...haven't talked to the guy yet, idk if I will, but I've talked to the girl, she's very nice and polite, and sweet and all of that stuff you'd expect, plus her english is pretty good...accent is still there, but at least she knows what people are saying, and can communicate back xD. I felt bad though..."Nihongo desu ka?" "sukoshi, sukoshi"(little, little) T.T. Oh well, hopefully I'll get to know her better, she's very nice, that's all I have to say, though I didn't really get a chance to talk to her that much since we had to go to cIass :/'s lame though, my friend she's trying to hook me up with Megumi (the transfer)'s like WTF I already have a girlfriend, who, no offense, is total win compared to the transfer :P.
Anyway...there's nothing much with me lately, just been drawing a lot, hopefully I'll be able to actually finish one, and upload it so I can show you guys xP. Nothing really new with gaming at all, getting a little broke here, paying for lunch everyday suck, and seeing that I can't get a job yet xD.
Well that's it for the Bass this time around, pretty sure there's more, but I'm too tired to think xD.
EDIT : Oh yeah I forgot, her name's Megumi xP
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