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Well....finally seems like Seattle's gotten summer, but not for me, I can't drive, so I'm stuck here at home, while all my friends get awesome tennis and stuff, damn them, I'm so screwed for tryouts next year -.-. Oh and Dopey David, dun crush teh Prince, I'm teh Prince of Tennis so I use it xP.....hey at least is use Babalot strings :P....I was thinking of using Yonex racquets just cause they're Japanese, but eh, I'll have to demo some more in about a year (I just got the Ozone Pro Tour like 6 months ago).

Anyways, sorry for drifting off there, sometimes I think I have ADD....hey I think I know someone with ADD, his name was like Brennan or something and jk -.-. So yeah, I need a new game, probably like PS2, since I'm stuck in Persona 3, so I was thinking of Arcana Heart, pretty Asian right? lol.

Ja ne~!


Happy Bass-Day! xD.

Happy Bass-day to me! :P (If you pronounced it like the fish, or like how Japanese would pronounce it, it sounds like Birthday xP). 10,000 Bass points to whoever can guess what JDorama that came from :).

Anyways, nothing really new with me, haven't gotten any presents or anything yet, just 100$ from my grandfather. xD.

Nothing else really has happened yet, besides that fact that I'm mad that fricken serene williams beat Zheng Jie in the semifinals at the Wimbledon:x. Gahh, I want an Asian to win the Wimbledon this year :P. Well hopefully she's at the Olympics (olympics has realy tennis right? not just table tennis?). Anyways, I think I might go play some tennis, I just restrung my Prince with some Pro Hurricane Tour and I want to see how it is xD.

Well that's it for the Bass

Ja ne~!


I'm Guilty....

Guilty Gear-in' that is! lol, lameness....anyways, yeah I picked up Guilty Gear XX Accent Core for the Wii, motion controls suck, but i play with cIassic anyways :P. Also picked up Okami, fanatastic as it was on the PS2, except attack is annoying xP. Not much to talk about besides the fact that this summer has been the most boring, unproductive summer I've ever had in my entire life :P. Argh, well I need a new anime, anyone got any suggestions? I'm looking for a good one, farily new, and popular, but not yet licensed :P. Any help is appreciated....but no one say Clanand, I know it's sort of recent, but I've already watched all of it, the movie, and read the manga, and almost downloaded the game xP. So yeah, that's it for the Bass xD.

Ja ne~!


P.S., my Birthday is on Thursday, the Third (hahaha The Third : The Girl With the Blue Eye).

What color?

What color should I dye my hair? I was like thinking of a Blue, that starts dark near the top of my head, near the roots, and fades out to lighter in layers, so it'd look like some ice or something :S. If not, then there's always stereotypical Orange-ish brown. So what do you think? :) ^.^.

I'm obsessed.

I've been obsessed with Persona 3 for the past week. Bought it last Sunday, started playing it Monday, and I've been like playing 3 hours a day (well except Thurs and Fri, I had Tennis). Damn do I love that game xD. Yuko and Yukari ftw! x3. But don't worry I still have my love for Aya Hirano x3.

Anyways, that's all I've really been doing, is just Persona 3 : FES, first time playing it (I could never find the Orignal P3). I also am playing Naruto clash of ninja revolution, though I hate naruto xD, my friend let me borrow it, and Hinata is pretty fun to use xD. So yeah I'm going to play more Persona 3, I love it, it's like half Japaense dating sim, half RPG xD. If you haven't already played it, and you're a fan of Japanese RPGS, go play it now, and it's also good because it has a lot of text, but there's actual voice for it xP.

That's it for now from me, let's hear from you guys!


P.S. - PS also = Playstation.....idk I couldn't think of anything for a "P.S." this time @_@.

Will I....

buy a PS3? I'm almost compelled to now. With the release of MGS4 coming up soon, plus the semi-backwards compatibilty (wth Sony, learn to do what you did before and make it full Dx), I sort actually....want it now. Not to mention I won't have to buy a Blu Ray player, plus the PS Network is free. I also heard Eternal Sonata will come out on the PS3 as well.....I'd only get a 360 for ES, and DoA4....and DOA XBV (;)). Can't wait for FFXIII, since XI and XII disappointed me a whole bunch. Back in the FF mood, because I was talking about getting THIS hair (and I will, once it gets longer, right now, it's sort of an almost like that, just not as good xD), and my friend said it looks like Cloud, so I watch Advent Children again, now I'm obsessed with FF. So yeah it's PS3 = MGS, Final Fantasy, kingdom hearts, Blu Ray, some other mixed import games (w00t for region free), and yeah, opposed to the 360 which is like two games. It's either get this PS3, or get a more useful laptop, but at double the prices. Oh the choices we make in life! xD.

Enough about me, how about you guys and girls! :).


P.S., I always end with a P.S.....

So yeah, if any of you know any cute asian girls, tell them to hit me up on MSN ;).

I'm not dead.......not yet at least..........

Sorry, school + tennis like before have sucked up my life, now golf season is starting too, getting some new clubs, for any golfers, I'm getting the new TaylorMade Tour Burners xD. And for any tennis players I'm using a Prince Pro Tour MP with 16L Babolat Hurricane strings at 58 xD.

Anyways, for gaming news, I'm totally sick of Brawl, day we get out for spring break, 24 hour Brawl party, I can't even think of Brawl anymore. Broke for Okami, and P3:Fes, which sucks because I was planning on buying it, but I guess I can go to Nintendo and get like 10%, which reminds me I got SSBB for 35$ xD. But yeah, been pretty bored, started Clannad, ep 14 right now, I watch one per day, reading Ichigo 100% again, Vol 7.

Enough about me, how bout you guys?


P.S. anyone know how to approach a girl you don't know, and has no cIasses with? :P.

Yay it's......Snow?

That's right, way to go Seattle with the unpredictable weather. It's been snowing ALL day pretty much, and it's the end of March! xP. Snow isn't sticking though, well, only to grass, trees, bark, etc. I guess it's time for me to stay inside and play DDR ^.^.

I'm Back....? xP.

SORRY!....School has taken over my life, Tennis Practice kills anything I have after school, hw is getting lengthy, lots of school reading, busy xD. Well I did manage to get Brawl in the process (for 35$ too! From NOA! xP). I'll try to get my friend code up for that soon, xD!. Well, idk really have much to say, nothing really new has really I guess I'll catch you all later!

Ja ne


I'm like a Key

Because I just seem to work so well with locks.

Yeah, Sorry I have dual monitors, I would show you both, but imageshack and photobucket kill the size, so I just screened one. Yeah most of those locks were like "This Popsicle melted, and it's very STICKY" or "I just realized that honey can be very STICKY", saying that the thread should belong in the sticky, none of the topics were mine though :P.

There's the direct link to the image if you can't see the whole thing lol. Yeah, 459 messages, those are mostly double sent union notices or useless spam lol. Sorry if I missed anyone tracking me.