Bdking57's forum posts
put it towards a nice watch. One of the only purchases you buy that doesnt rapidly depreciate in value... spare a little and get the 360 after the price drop.
your using games that have released already.. all the other games have not been realeased yet. What does PS3 have the rest of 2008?
08 games that count
360 = Lost Odessey, NG2, Too Human, Vesperia, Viva Pinata, Undiscovery, Fable 2, Banjo 3, Gears 2, Last Remnant, Left 4 dead.
All great 360 games NOT on PS3. TOTAL = 11
PS3 = MGS4, GT5 Prologue, SOCOM, LBP, RFOM2, Motorstorm 2.
All great PS3 games NOT on 360. TOTAL = 6
There is no debate here. Quality AND quantity over PS3. If there is a debate, cows are in serious denial.
yeah a year later, just like gears II looks a way better a year after Gears I on PC, then guess what, Gears III will look way better then gears II on PC. There is obviously room for improvement on these engines, feeding the PC market alone allows lazy devs to get away with not properly optimizing software by taking the lazy road out, which hurts the industry in the end.
it was his stupid line stating that Gears 2 on xbox 360 "beats the **** out of gears 1 for PC" I am a console gamer but I kinda laugh at him since Gears 2 will look better on PC than 360 anyway lol this guy seems to have nothing to talk about these days.unknowndrk
your living in a dream world, it took many many years to DVD to replace VHS... in half the time you will be able to stream 1080P direct to your TV at the push of a button, so why would anyone want to get in a car, fill up with $5+ gas and drive to the store when they can just hit a button and watch the movie.
[QUOTE="XanderZane"][QUOTE="Chutebox"][QUOTE="UnrealSin_X"]Yes, if Blu Ray really does replace DVD then Sony really has made more profit than they would have with a PS3 without Blu Ray.skektek
It still an "IF" right now. You do realize that there are OTHER being created that is actually better then Blu-Ray right? Get on the web and do some research man.
Also, Blu-Ray sales has been selling about the same %'s compared to DVD for the last 6 months. Blu-Ray's% over DVD has not really increased that much. It's going to be a long time before Blu-Ray becomes the norm. I'm happy just watching my DVD's upscaled to 1080P on my 360 or PS3. lol!! No need to switch.
You have to realize that the transition isn't going to be subject to normal economic forces. The studios are going to force the adoption of Blu-ray by phasing out DVD.too bad bluray is a clear failure and has no chance of being accepted by the masses. The minute next gen internet hits the ground, bluray is obsolete.
PS3 helped alot in all the money sony makes or will make in the future from blue ray but that is not reflected in the financials for PS3.But MS doesnt get any other benefit from xbox.
The xbox and xbox 360 has been a total disaster for MS but the PS3 isnt exactly as big a business failure as you may like to think.;)
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