As appaling as it is, I am reminded of a certain quote:
"well sir, as much as I hate what you say I will defend to the death your right to say it."
I think its horrible, but the best thing we can do is ignore it. And the last thing we want to do is "donate" the money for him to take it down. You give in an donate the money and we are only encouraging future behavior, in addition to supporting censorship (which, imo, is even worse than than making a game based on school shootings).
If it offends you, go ahead and vent and say how angry you are. Talk to your family, friends, and do whatever it takes. But afterwards, just move on. There are more important things to do in life than pay attention to some jackass.mrbojangles25
Well said and very true. Whilst I think the game is in incredibly poor taste, I'm not saying he can't make it and that it should be banned. Rather I think it shows the striking contrast between intentions of 2 games made from school shooting tragedies. One was to try to come to terms with who the killers were and why the did what they did, the other was done by some nitwit that just wanted attention.
FYI, the kid (I guess I should say "guy" since he's, apparently, 21 years old) seems to get off on shock statements that serve no purpose other than to piss poeople off for his own amusement. Kind of interesting that after (so he claims) years of being tormented and bullied he nowadays gets his jollies from tormenting and agravating others.
"I've done offensive things before but they're not usually this popular," Lamourn said, adding that he made the game "because it's funny".
Lambourn, who grew up in the US, said his friends suggested putting up the ransom demand which he thought was "a hilarious idea".
He described the exercise as "a joke". "They were so adamant about me taking my game down ... I gave them a way," he said. [...] "The donation thing was just to pull a few more strings and make more people angry. It's worked."
He said: 'You do it for some negative reaction to laugh at. You do if for other people who have the same tastes as you because they get a laugh out of it as much as I do.'
He said he had previously composed music for Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and the death of Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin last year.
Like I said, the author of VTR was merely trying to shock people and get attention.
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