Sorry, but I'm not gonna read all the posts... Instead, I'll just post my thoughts.
1) I'm really sorry to hear that, man. That really sucks. I had a moderate case of carpal a few years back due to seriously geeking out on Warcraft II for 40 some hours straight. (it had JUST come out. :) ) I rested for a day and did daily rotation exercises and the pain went away within 3 days.
2) You NEED to situate your keyboard and mouse better!
A)If your chair doesn't have armrests, please get one that does! It helps! IMMENSELY! ( and make sure it is raised to a comfortable position)
B) When using your mouse and keyboard, make sure your wrist (just beyond your wrist joint (further towards your elbow)) is resting comfortably on the table. If you feel even a hint of a cramp, re-evaluate and re-adjust your hand postion! (consider getting ergonomic pads, they may help)
C) Wrist exercises! Take a break every now and then and then clutch your hands in a fist. Pull them inwards so it makes a cobra-like shape, and then rotate them in a circular fashion. This will help A LOT!
D) You may want to use wrist gueards. I know a lot of people who do this. There is no shame, especially whilst in recovery.
E) Forearm exercises. Get a wrist/forearm/grip exercise device. I use an old fashioned forearm grip tool and it does wonders for me. Granted, I have Popeye forearms, but it has helped me prevent carpal where many of my colleagues have succumbed to it.
BTW, I am a graphic designer (with hopes to break into the game industry), so I work at my computer for vast spans of time. (during really bad times, I am at my computer for days on end (sometimes sleeping on my keyboard (with my keyboard pillow))) Personally, the best thing you can do is get an ergonimic cussion for your mouse hand (this is where I, personally, encounter the most wrist strain) and use a forearm/wrist exerciser to increase your strength. And I cannoty emphasize the wrist/forearm/grip exerciser enough! (same with ergonimc pads if your chair does not have arm rests)
(quick story: I had a classmate that had to wear a wrist guard due to repeated carpal pains. I bought her a forearm grip exerciser and within a month she stopped wearing the guard and hasn't had a problem since. Beware, though! No matter how strong your wrists are, improper positioning CAN and WILL cause severe problems! Make sure your enviroment is ergonimically fit for your use!!!! )
-edit- BTW!!!!!
I should also mention that I have broken my left wrist 2 times and my right wrist 4 times, and I have only had carpal once. (which was, ironicaly, before I broke either wrist) I attribute this to the fact that amongst my daily regiment of calisthenetic exercises I aslo do regular grip exercises which help strenthen my wrist. Keep in mind that click, click, twitching for hours on end is an intense workout, especially if you do not regularly exercise the conjunctive body parts that facilitate these activities!
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