@Fabregasgunner Same here. 360 was my console of choice this gen, but I picked up all the worthwhile PS3 exclusives and had a jolly good time with most of them.
@ahpuck No joke. I signed up for PS+ right after I got my Vita and I was totally conflicted when downloading 3 different games that saw full retail releases.
Seems like almost the entire Vita library has gone up on PS+ at one time or another, and they last just over a year when you download them. FRIGGIN WHAT.
@Dr_takapotku Clearly, you really do NOT understand this. The cloud stuff associated to single player games is not at all impacted by this. All MS has to do is put a "requires online connection" sticker on the box for games where cloud is used for SP and they're good to go. Those games will still require online connections.
The distinction between multiplayer and singleplayer is not the same as the distinction between online and offline. Single Player games can indeed require online if the cloud piece is part of that particular game.
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