Kind of a weak argument. Launch games, even the mediocre ones, tend to sell pretty well since early adopters are grasping for games. Also, Sony could step up and recognize that GT6 would sell systems. Having that at launch could mean a super successful launch.
@Dannystaples14 I think you're missing the point I was making. 4k most definitely will not be used for games at all. The system supports it so they can have it for future apps, such as if 4k TV broadcasts become a thing in the future, or photo viewing and such. There is no chance that any games will use it because of the horsepower need.
Oddly, seeing game play might actually reduce my interest in the game. The world building they are doing here seems to be pretty solid. If the game play sucks.. then I might stop being interested.
@tendoboy1984 So wait for E3, where they'll spend a ton of time talking about games.
BTW, the XONE will be able to stream your Hulu shows at the same time you are playing games on it. That is how I fully intend to use Netflix when I get one.
@Dannystaples14 Of course it will have an impact on performance. I can't imagine any game would use it at all. They probably included it for the non-gaming apps to take advantage of.
@blueboxdoctor I bet they pass on including an HDMI cable again. Seems like the $600 point if something they learned their lesson from last time. I'm guessing $500 tops for whatever "max" configuration they release. I'd be stunned if they didn't do the different SKU's again at launch.
They fact they are releasing right around the same time, instead of a year apart, probably has a lot to do with the pricing being brought down. Neither company can hope to capture the "early adopter" bucks as easily.
This also means the chances of a price drop within the first 6 months are a lot lower.
Bgrngod's comments