There were so many disappointments this year that I decided to stay away from AAA titles for the time being unless it looks unique and different in some ways. Persona 4 & 3 (and Catherine) were the best games I played in '12, sadly SWTOR, Darksiders, Assassin Creed 3, Spec OPS the Line and Skyrim did not live up to the hype for me. However ME3, XCOM and Dishonored were decent enough. Next year though come Dead Space 3 and Bioshock Infinite will be interesting to say the least! Hooraay for opinions, happy holidays everyone!
@Lord_Python1049 Not sure if worth getting vita just for this game, way to expensive, and there is no alternative ie; PS3 compatible or *cough* emu...*cough*
@brxricano People still get frustrated if to much info was leaked in a said trailer, some give up to much of that, but then you can just easily ignore all trailers and comments until you get your package.
Bhemont's comments