@Taffelost Aye, I know the feeling, being one of few people that like these type of games, or even story driven games makes me feel like a freak sometimes. With all my friends being zombiefied because of COD or whatever action type of games they play, makes me feel like an outsider in almost every gaming culture there is out there.
Are they planing on releasing both games enhanced, or only the first one? Because I'm pretty sure it was only the first one, then they will enhance 2 later. So if that is the case, why on earth is this trailer put in to BG1 main page? Oo
@Janpieterzun I loved Alpha Protocol. I must be in the minority then, but dungeon siege was a miss for me. But I still have faith in them, they aren't your everyday game developers looking for funding from the suits that tell them they will have money in return they have little to no freedom to develop and their games will become 1 out of 1.000.000 *ahem* mainstream games *cough*
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