This game cannot come any sooner. I've always wanted to play a semi remake of Ufo: Enemy Unknown for a while now. I hope it has similar features. One thing that kind of bums me out is; there is no coop campaign, or so it seems.
@Briantb_2008 Just prepare your hype, one thing that this trailer fails to deliver is the actual gameplay itself. It's a turnbased combat, much like Fallout used to be, or the previous xcom games, and civilization.
@FemalePervert That's a bit ignorant comment, Shin Megami Tensei series are far darker then Pokemon. Although I can agree with the cheap voice acting, I normally don't like it either in asian games. Although there are times they are well done, like in Final Fantasy or in Dragon Quest Viii, but it doesn't happen often.
@Spinnerweb Just saying, but if you shouldn't have to run around in RPGs with 2HP, there's usually always the menu button, where you can easily heal yourself without the risk of triggering a random battle.
@ghstbstr Agreed, I can't be bothered with the operations, just wanted to play the classes, and see their story arcs. Maybe make some friends and play through the 5mans. It's a pretty solid choice, this game would've probably gone nowhere without the f2p anyway
Bhemont's comments