@zsoujiro It is likely, to be less scary then DS2, and DS2 was less scary then its previous installment. Also, I would advice to play the game single player first, then take on the coop ( if you like ) with a friend in hard-mode/hardcore for fun. At least, that's how I plan on approaching this. I am a big fan of this franchise, and I do hope EA haven't compromised it, if they have, this will be the last time they get my money. :)
Would personally love to be able to coop with a friend who owns a console and me on PC, please make this happen EA, there's not imbalance need to be considered. :)
Looks good, would love to see more. Hopefully it's not tied in with the clone wars era. If it is set in a new time, long after or before the movies, ie Old Republic era, it will be perfect! :)
Was going to say something negative, something about how it was a broken game, but I believe with this trailer it has a potential of bringing the experience I was hoping for after purchasing the CE and 3 SW:TOR books. Maybe, just maybe I might re sub, would love to see livelier planets and a way to form a group without spamming general chat in either the planet zone or in the citadel. I am semi impressed BioWare, looks alright. :)
@Belevorn So much blind faith in a company that releases buggy games and relies on fan made mods to make their games playable. Although this game looks like it has potential, and loved the sound track in this trailer, so I'm going to reserve my opinion until later. ^^
Bhemont's comments