@Breyant Agreed, but it is a bit to late now, they are loosing subs, cutting off devs. The game is slowly sinking. Diablo looks more intriguing from where I'm sitting... :p
Combine the graphics, with the SW Old Republic IP, you would've gotten something VERY interesting BioWare, EA & Lucas Art, instead you got that piece of failure. Oh well, no game will ever be perfect, but MMOs have a loooong way to go. :/
@Raxyman @GamerOuTLaWz coop always sounds bad, especially because of the Fear games and what were their downfall. You're right about the 2nd DS being less scarier, I do hope they will learn from that mistake. Giving Isaac the ability to stealth though sounds interesting, I love stealth games, but it will take out ALL of the scares if you are able to control your encounters, when you fight them, and how etc.
Was disappointed with the Beta, mainly because of the poor voice acting, still debating if I should get it or wait. I only plan on playing through normal difficulty anyway.
MMOs are yawnworthy at best, I won't touch this with ten feet pole, especially since ES can't make a polished games right off the bat and rely a lot on community modding to make their games playable. Moving on, nothing to see here, lol
I've bought so many MMOs that have disappointed, failed hard and lost a lot of subs because their games have little to no features to keep people playing.
WoW clones; I've been there done that, yawn...
Innovative games; lack a lot of polish and development in order to function.
So many empty promises out there, and Bethesda, when making Elderscrolls, you rely mostly on fan mods in order for people to keep coming back to your single player games, how on earth are you going to pull this one off I wonder...
I think I prefer the everyman over all powerful super human, mainly because everyman usually offers a way better plot, and I'm able to relate to that character better because he's a human. I think it boils down to gameplay vs story. When you're all powerful superhero, you get more powers, are capable of doing extraordinary things, while everyman relies on running the hell away from danger or shoot it with a pistol. :p
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