BigGimp77's forum posts
I know there have been rumors about PSP phones for a while now, but the PSP was always too bulky to carry around as a phone.
I think a PSP Go phone makes a crap load of sense if your Sony. Being a current non-PSP owner, I would most definantly go out and buy one. I think it would also entice old PSP owners to upgrade.
What do you guys think?
I bought L4D at launch and I RARELY ever play it.
You either get people who:
-Ragequit right away or just randomly leave games. You can rarely get a good game started.
-You get people who think they are king shat of turd mountain. Blame everyone else when the team looses. They are the whiniest babies.
-12 year olds seem to be rampant in every match.
I give up. I've tried to get into the game. I just had a fun match today. We were on the last level as survivors. When we were infected on the last level, I had the most damage for a majority of the round. It's been a close game the whole way through. Were going up a ladder and I get hit by a falling zombie. I get bugged on the ladder and cant move. We end up dieing and its "omg you suck dude wth, your so terrible" and they instantly votekick me. This is the final straw for me. I refuse to give it any more chances!:evil:
It's a shame because at times the game is really fun, but the player community absolutly ruins it for me. I've participated in a ton of game communities (AoE, Demigod, CS, TF2, CoD, WoW, WC3, Diablo2, DoW2) and this is by far the worst.
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