Good stuff ill return to the game next year after all the dlc and updates come to fruition keep up the good work hopefully the game will strade out of the ok column to the great column with these updates.
@outlawwitcher12: Like others pointed out translation is a big hold up to the series and i like to add its a sega ip which honestly they really have issues handling their properties they barely keep their company afloat nowadays in my opinion.
@wayneextremity: Sounds like you haven't ever played a Yakuza game before mate mad max pretty dull compared to it i recommend picking it up it may surprise you.
I agree and disagree with the vid. I believe there is a extreme to everything that needs to be taken into account and i think finding a balance is key to creating a experience the audience for titles to enjoy. Creating the balance between linear and open paths for the player to follow can become difficult FF15 has shown the pitfalls to the approach. Hopefully square can take steps in future titles to dance on the line between linear and open paths better but that is yet to be seen.
@externalpower43: I was just thinking if their games now will get discounted probably one the things i hated about nintendo they never discounted anything on the darn machine and i could hardly find anything preowned..
Phantom Dust now this what a waste xbox 1 nothing more then a port station anymore meh Phil Spencers killing the brand have fun using your backward compatibility sale units..
@asneakypoptart: Its a great game i may jump back into playing the game again im not a trophy achievement hunter ii just play for fun and the games worth a few play throughs imo.
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