@NiteX: Never heard of it till you said something about it from the youtube vid i seen doesnt look too bad other then the framerate being ballz i may pick it up depends on what livestreams look like.
First half of the game like stated pretty decent its just the last four chapters thats a bit of a mess i and my friends playing on ps4 have had a blast playing it. In the end unless you have been following squares live streamed events and the build up to the games release by watching the anime/motion picture i can understand why the casual on goer would be turned off by the game in general. Like always your either going to be into it or your gonna hate it i suppose.
Of course devs like to make these games because they are much less labor intensive and they can make a nice turn around profit on the get go. Look at pokemon go for example so simple in design and the fanbase if you call them that dont question the all around bad over all design/mechanics of it. ;-)
@Jigen32: Oh snap shots fired! Honestly though im the sameway im a collector of games i have a huge stack of last gen games i havent finished not to mention a wii u xb1 and ps4 with games for them to play but i just focus on my ps4.. Its just my prefered entertainment medium almost makes me regret getting my xb1 since my wii u gets more love then it does pretty weird..
Had a good laugh out of the comments below a third of them didnt even look at the article the guy didnt delete his primary account he delete some secondary account tjat had barely any subs..
@Azazel29: The games back in the day were different though due to hardware power the human imagination came in as a factor seriously i doubt kids born in 2k era will ever understand the struggle we early adopters of games had to deal with in gamings infancy lol.
I however miss arcades that were found everywhere they still exist in a few select places but the atmosphere isnt what they were back in the mid eighties and early nineties.
@Dumper1: Oh god get over yourself the game has had a troubled development cycle they had to get the game out the door to keep the loses at a minimum. Now square announces support is on the way yet people still whine ffs just chill..
BlackBaldwin's comments