Gotta love the trolling on the ps3 even if I love the playstation brand I had to nod and laugh while watching this vid its been a good seven years can't wait to see what the next seven will be like for Sony and the playstation brand.
On the free game front I wouldn't be too sure if that courtesy transfers over yet on the ps4 it might I haven't heard if it will. Heck it would be frecken sweet to just get indie games for free when the ps4 comes out not to mention free triple A ps4 games somewhere down the line...
I understand most elder scrolls games I ever played had issues at launch time with bugs and glitches and I can only see a ton of headaches in the horizen to come when this game hits both sides of the fence. Honestly they should just keep this game on pc for now and later release it on console as a free to play type of game with some type of money market place tied into the psn network. But hey I guess as gamers we don't have much say on this sort of thing..
No wonder I didn't know about them I don't usually do those flashpoints or whatever quests that are a daily thing. I've thought about doing it but I rather experence the story of my characters more then the daily grind quests..
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