Hold the beacon did I read that correctly dice is making a star wars game? I bet its more like Dice is finishing up on 1313 and tries to take a move out of gearboxes book and says its their own work. Could be wrong though but it could happen.
I agree TOR wasn't a bad game it had great characters with good storylines and great places you could go and explore but it was using mechanics from kotor, which I think led to a lot of the people not liking it. I think if it was just a standard rpg with a more robust fighting mechanics the game would of been more successful.
Believe me if I heard a kickstarter was in the works for a new kotor style star wars game or even second gen morrow wind star wars rpg I would give 15% of my yearly salary away to have one of those get made..
Stars Wars games are still needed just more on the mature side of things not this kiddy clone wars garbage. I want my kotor3 or another jedi academy or even battle front lets get r done already..
Love the music towards the end but the trailer was kinda seen it done it sort of thing really. I'm really looking forward to Evil Within I hope some gameplay vids or something shows up at E3...
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