I've ordered it from Play Asia, I haven't played the earlier PS2 games so I'm not sure what to expect. I'm assuming if it's like other mech games it shouldn't be too hard to work out the basics and have some fun with it.
I haven't noticed a difference and I'm playing with component cables. I haven't played on the original PS for ages so I can't really remember how they looked. I do it just because it's more convienient.
While I had a hard time finding many games in my area I did manage to own half of the amount of Megadrive games I had. I used it as my main CD player. Combined with the Megadrive It's the system I played for the most amount of time. I can see how some people don't think much of it but between my friends who also owned one we were able to lend eachother different games for about 3 or 4 years before we ran out of games to play.
I use an arcade stick as thats what I'm used to and thats the true way for me. If someone prefers a pad thats cool too. I have friends who have played SF2 since they got it with their SNES but have never played it in the arcade. Therefore prefer the pads and are better with them. If you have trouble with a pad try a stick.
I noticed my slim was noisier than my phat creaking and cracking and sometimes when the disc is spinning when I'm installing data or copying CDs onto it, It makes a nasty vibrating noise until I shift the unit backwards a bit. My unit that it resides in is solid.
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