1.Gameplay looks meh. May as well just play Battlefield 3 which is already out.
2. Graphics look extremely meh. Consoles could easily pull this off.
The one redeeming feature is Free to play.
1.Gameplay looks meh. May as well just play Battlefield 3 which is already out.
2. Graphics look extremely meh. Consoles could easily pull this off.
The one redeeming feature is Free to play.
This is a joke thread, right? They are at the top and some people at SW really have such questions. King_DodongoThis. Nintendo dominated this generation whether or not you all want to admit it. The Wii sold insanely, the first party games have remained consistently awesome and they have made some daring, but very clever business decisions which have paid off for them and now the industry is trying to catch up to them. If anybody, I believe that Sony is most likely to drop out of the console race, because Ps3 started as a huge failure, although it has gotten better, and the psp and ps vita I think we can now consider failures. A company can only take so much. I just want Nintendo and ms to learn from Sony and it's embracing of the free-to-play games, and free online play.
The same lack of quality. BadoshThis. The same crap you've played over and over and over again.
Wii U is far beyond current gen. Note that launch titles on ps3 and 360 looked pretty meh, and not much of a step up from the previous gen either. I firmly believe that ps4 and 720 are going to use Wii U as a target for what they have to reach for and make some minor hardware improvements on that, because there's no reason to go overboard, because nobody will buy them, and everyone will buy the far cheaper Wii U. Sony and m$ aren't stupid, they saw the success Wii had. Get ready to be underwhelmed by the numbers. As for the ouya, I don't want to play mobile "games" on my tv. I don't want to play them at all. Flop console, flop idea, nope. This mobile game market is awful because it's full of what are basically flash games. 5 minutes of fun, 0 value for money.Next gen isn't here despite what some people on here say. The Wii U is not a next gen console from what I have seen, it's just current gen with tablet controller. Next gen starts when there is a jump in tech.
People that say it's when a new console launches are wrong, by that logic if someone realesed a system with the specs of an N64 would you consider it next gen as well? No you wouldn't. The Wii U is not next gen, next gen will only start with PS4 and the next Xbox.
Wii U is technically speaking miles ahead of current gen. Except for the cell processor, because nobody in their right minds would use that for a games console.Not charge gamers for totally 1000% useless and pointless stuff they want to promote, like cell chip and blu ray
That was easy
If PS3 had a CDROM and normal CPU, for 600$ back then could have had hardware 10x stronger than xbox 360, so would be miles better than WiiU today
But they chose to promote their new technologies through PS3 in expense of actual hardware for games
If they dont do that again will be fine i guess
F**k S**t p**s c**t WHERE IS STAR FOX OR F ZERO??? Give Mario and Zelda a break for a year or so. Good lord it's been forever since we've had either of these. Also GOLDEN SUN. AARRRRGGGGHH
1. Zelda should never move away from Nintendo. It's too much to ask for to do that, the risk of having a bad Zelda is too much. Zelda is debatably the greatest game series and to tarnish it with the possibility of it flopping in the hands of a third or second party is too much.
2. I don't care about fallout, it's a glitchy mess as is everything bethesda makes. I don't ever want to have to go through that again. Another reason why skyrim should have flopped. Terrible game. Terrible developer. (Note the opinion)
3. Star Fox is the series I believe desperately needs a new developer. Give it to Retro or Bungie. It's a long shot with Bungie, but if Halo:Reach's space combat is any indication, Bungie would essentially create a money-printer. And any non-biased person knows that Retro is an incredibly talented studio and possibly apart from story, would work wonders with Star Fox.
Also, you could bring up F-Zero, but I never got hugely attached to that.
The developers have the right idea, but it just seems like a console designed to play angry birds. I also don't like the rise of iphone and Android "games" and people going on about how gaming is dead and mobile devices are taking over. This isn't true at all. There is 0 games on mobiles that can give you the quality of gameplay you get on gaming devices. All the so called "games" are simplistic and gimmicky. In the foreseeable future, there will never be compelling game experiences like Zelda or Mario or Uncharted or Gears Of War on mobile devices, because they're full of angry birds and cut the rope.
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