Really it is the nostolgia but I think for me a big part of it does stem from the simple fact that newer isn't always better. It feels good to get back to basics every now and then. It can really make you appreciate what makes the good games great and what elements fail to hold up (regardless of how good they look).
BlendThree's forum posts
It sort of goes without saying that the graphical displays of video gaming, regardless of genre, became more impressive with each subsequent generation of hardware but let's be honest: There were some amazing 2D games around for a long time now. Super Mario 2 & 3, Sonic, Alex Kidd, the original Mega Mans, Bonk the list is endless.
Yea happens to me often. Even more perplexing is when you have multiple platforms and find yourself most inclined to fire up a console from a few generations back. The human mind- no explaining it sometimes.
Free enterprise is such where people can ask whatever they want but man, if anyone pays this price, I have a bridge in Brooklyn they may be interested in!
The Lego games definitely- the older ones if that's all the specs would allow but the newest batch (Lego Lord of the Rings particularly) would be sweet.
I've been playing since the early 1980s and I still feel it! It's odd cause on the surface we have everything we need, but for some reason this generation feels so uninspired. And it's not even like there aren't any good games out there. All I know is the old systems have been coming out of the closet an awful lot lately in attempt to relive some of the excitement of yesteryear.
Though Nintendo gets mad props for creating some serious icons throughout the years, I gotta say Kirby is pretty damn generic in my opinion. Some decent games though.
Have these scientists never seen Jurassic Park or any of the lackluster sequels?
Honestly, if they opened a park (zoo) where living mammoths dwelled, would you go to see them?
I was just reading an article on how cloud gaming may be a much bigger influence on the next generation and if that proves to be the case hardware would cost exponentially less than what we're used to. In fact it wouldn't be uncommon to encounter deals that give you the hardware free with a service subscription. In fact cloud gaming would in essence change the whole home console model from the razor/ blades dynamic to more of what we currently see with cell phones.
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