I have poor quality pixelated videos too (at the 720p setting). Calling it HD is a joke. It has been like that for a while. It's pretty obvious too right from the opening logo.
I get the same result from home and work.
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I have poor quality pixelated videos too (at the 720p setting). Calling it HD is a joke. It has been like that for a while. It's pretty obvious too right from the opening logo.
I get the same result from home and work.
I have to sign in with email and password every time I start a new browser session. It used to be able to remember me. There's no checkbox anymore. What gives? It's annoying.
I just hope Elder Scrolls doesn't turn out to be Elder Scrolls Online. KC_HokieThe mentioning of such an abomination make me shudder. Look what happended to KOTOR.
And please no replies of "You're overthinking this, bro! Just play the games cuz they're rad!" Thank you.
Why are you denying the truth?
Truly: It doesn't matter, one won't spoil the other and gameplay is very different in the two.
You guys need to relax. I have both consoles and the XB360 usually gets the demos first so the fact that Sony got an exclusive for once isn't EA giving XB360 owners the shaft. If anybody should feel marginalized regarding demos it's PS3 owners.
I would feel the same if I were a PS3 owner and got screwed. But I wasn't really referring to the demo, there COULD be all sorts of good reasons why they are not released at the same time, they are after all different products and have to pass certification requirements for the respective platforms and could have different bugs etc.
I was referring to the Divine edition which is an exclusive free-bee for PS3. But there has been alot of that going on lately especially from EA (*cough*brütal legend*cough*), and I think it sucks.
It seems like they are giving the 360 the cold shoulder. The reason I don't understand is because Dante's Inferno is a blatent God of War clone (for better or worse) which the PS3 obviously already has. So either they are geting money from Sony (though I can't imagine why) or maybe they think they can compete with GoW, which they can't.capthavic
I'm disappointed by this. I don't feel like supporting a product if I feel the publisher/developer is not treating me as good as other customers. And I wouldn't buy it until after a healthy price drop (or used) if it were not for the crazy preorder offer by GameStop in Denmark (essentially 20% of the normal price).
That said: From what I have seen in trailers, the game promises a great story, great voice acting, great atmosphere, great graphics and an epic portrayal of themes that so familiar. All delivered for a mature audience and freed from the "political correctness" of titles targeted a younger audience.
The gameplay genre may not be my favorite (and who gives a d... if it's a god of war rip off, I never owned a playstation so I have never played that), but I am still looking forward to it. Especially the story.
Console games are patched automatically, you don't have to look for anything.
I can understand that you expect a finished product, but at the same time you must realize how much more complex games are now then they were a decade ago. No amount of testing can guarantee that no bugs exist. All games have a virtually infinite number of situations and testers have to come across the buggy ones by chance. Some are bound to slip through.
I am a programmer myself and I can tell you; even small games there can be a lot of bugs which are provoked by the strangest circumstances. To find them you have to play the game in a very specific way. Then some bugs may appear periodic because they depend on some random factor or timing.
Just be happy that it is at all possible to patch games post-launch. We haven't always had that luxury. Old games had bugs too.
On topic: I really really hate the way bioware is pushing their DLC. Very bad trend and I'm not going to reward it by purchasing anything. The in-game salesman is just sooo bad taste. Also the meteor random encounter which is in the main game, the special item you get mentions that maybe a smith will be able to fashion something from it. Turns out you need to get the Wardens keep DLC to get access to that smith (correct me if another smith can do it). They are trying to goad me into buying it. I don't care how cheap it is, I do not approve of this way to push it.
I'm ok with DLC, WHEN IT IS OPTIONAL! That quest giver and that meteor should not be in the game unless you HAVE bought it. The way it is is insulting.
I do see your point.
However, if a developer DOES find a problem, and then eliminates a feature because there isn't enough time to fix it, then the game isn't ready.
Delay it a week or a month, then release it.
If they simply didn't find the problem until the game was almost ready for release, that's one thing. But didn't they supposedly limit the game BECAUSE they already knew about the problem?
I don't believe for a second that the loot chest was left out because there was technical problemss with it if that's what you are referring to. And of course it is no coincidence that it is part of Wardens Keep either. The game is stock full "incentives" to buy wardens keep from the second you pop it in and it has been available from day one.
Again: I'm OK with DLC, just not like this.
I think AC is a great game. Many people don't like it for being repetitive though.
Great gameplay, maybe a little repetitive but I don't really mind when it is this good.
Great story, great production value, very polished.
Shouldnt take too long to finish if you skip the optionals.
Go for it.
Then dont take teh 5 minutes to patch and enjoy your buggier game.
Apparently developers are sort of forgetting why casual gamers often loathe PC games.
When I buy a console, no. I don't want to spend ANY time looking for the right patch because the game was released before it was ready. This whole "release it now, patch it later" crap is just a way for developers to get away with laziness. First it's rushing games out the door with known issues. Next it's gonna come down to games getting released WITHOUT the issues be known. Then the developers will just sit back, let the public serve as unpaid beta testers, and THEN make patches for the issues that enough people complained about.
When I get a console game, I expect to pop it in, do not a damn thing, and then for the game to work right. This has been the expectation for DECADES. But now, suddenly everyone is just a-okay with their games being released with known problems.
Console games are patched automatically, you don't have to look for anything.
I can understand that you expect a finished product, but at the same time you must realize how much more complex games are now then they were a decade ago. No amount of testing can guarantee that no bugs exist. All games have a virtually infinite number of situations and testers have to come across the buggy ones by chance. Some are bound to slip through.
I am a programmer myself and I can tell you; even small games there can be a lot of bugs which are provoked by the strangest circumstances. To find them you have to play the game in a very specific way. Then some bugs may appear periodic because they depend on some random factor or timing.
Just be happy that it is at all possible to patch games post-launch. We haven't always had that luxury. Old games had bugs too.
On topic: I really really hate the way bioware is pushing their DLC. Very bad trend and I'm not going to reward it by purchasing anything. The in-game salesman is just sooo bad taste. Also the meteor random encounter which is in the main game, the special item you get mentions that maybe a smith will be able to fashion something from it. Turns out you need to get the Wardens keep DLC to get access to that smith (correct me if another smith can do it). They are trying to goad me into buying it. I don't care how cheap it is, I do not approve of this way to push it.
I'm ok with DLC, WHEN IT IS OPTIONAL! That quest giver and that meteor should not be in the game unless you HAVE bought it. The way it is is insulting.
I really love RPGs, they are my favorite genre by far.
Back in the 90's I loved phantasy star on my master system so I really wanted to to ike JRPG on my 360 too. I just can't get into them and now I have given up. I have tried a few:
Lost Odyssey: Played it halfway through. Hated the story. Boring and incoherent and in a setting that was impossible for me to get into. Best part was Kaim's flashbacks and I had a hard time staying awake to those (I play at night). Even the smallest encounter with trivial enemies took forever because of the combat system and the overabundant attack animations. I hated the voice acting and the IMO poorly written script. I hated the separation of exploration (where you only see one party member) and the combat arenas which are visually pretty boring. I hate the "over-the-top" wierdness of most of the enemies. I hate the very static feel combat has (i guess this is what makes it a JRPG, and it hasn't changed at all since i played phantasy star back in '90). I hate that there is virtually no character customization at all. I hate the incredibly linear game progression. Technically Lost Odyssey is pretty lacking too. IMO the graphics suck. I can't understand how they can make this crap fill 4 dvds, I mean the game world is not large at all. I didn't see that much content on the first 3 dvds that I played. And this is supposed to be a good JRPG?
Eternal Sonata: I liked this a little better than Lost Odyssey, but I didn't finish it either. Many of the points above still apply. It has a better graphics, better story, better combat (still not my cup of tea though).
Since these are both actually praised as being good JRPGs, I'm going to pass on the genre entirely. Everybody is saying how the story is better in JRPGs, first, I don't see this at all, second, story does matter, but it cannot hold up poor gameplay alone.
With WRPGs I can put up with a lot and still enjoy myself. I even enjoyed Two Worlds that says a lot (I know I'm going to be flamed for saying that).
WRPGs for me please.
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