@Ovirew @Kenshin0011 I think it just provides a cheap alternative for those who plan on buying an extra 3 controllers so that they can play with friends and family locally.
@Kenshin0011 @EpycWyn Passing judgement on something before trying it and convincing oneself that something will be bad seems to be a virus running more rampant lately than ever. It's not healthy but eh.. those people are the one's that will be missing out not me.
@galactic88 I've got an iphone 4s 64gb. This thing is heavy (in comparison to say a Galaxy S2) and the games on it are shockingly terrible. I can't see any comparison between the 2.
@jer_1 Your comment makes me wonder if we watched the same video :S The Wii U looks frickin awesome! Of course not much gameplay footage yet.. they're saving that for E3.
@Enterprise-E By the shape of the tablet controller (especially the trigger button back bump and palm molds on the rear bottom) it looks like they've done a decent job molding it to feel like the gamepad most gamers would be used to these days. I read somewhere it's going to be rather light too.
@EpycWyn @Stonecutters908 Nintendo has enough money in the bank to experience the same loss as last financial year 50+ more times. That money came from somewhere. And it also means they aren't going anywhere any time soon.
@Stonecutters908 @EpycWyn Ignorant haters be ignorant haters ;)
Re: the controls. They're designed to be ergonomic. There's only so many variations of palm molds that can be made. Sure Xbox beat Nintendo to the punch, but so did PS2 with the eye toy that now now Xbox is calling the Kinect.
Hate just closes you up to new and possibly wonderful and enjoyable experiences.
BludshedX's comments