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BombermanGold Blog

Back from the DEAD

Came back. I have no clue if anyone cared. But hey, somewhere where I can vent random frustrations of the daily grind.

Slew of games left and right. FINALLY got an XBOX 360 (the dealbreaker was whether Tekken 6 would come out for it...and it will, so yeah), got better PC from yester-year (all my games look 10x more awesome), got MORE games, spent tons of cash from my last post up till now.


All too hectic left and right. Maybe I should hang around here a bit more or something.

Hmm...odds are I'll forget about this place again once I get Street Fighter IV.

Been a long time....

VERY VERY long time since I even touched this place.

Not too much has happened...mostly just got out of college (yay), gots an awesome job (assistant webmaster), and finally getting cash in my pocket.

Bad new: back at grandma's....and thus a whole new slew of annoyances ensue.

A month...and what?

Got some pwnage in. I ain't cut out for Call of Duty 4, tried multiplayer, kept getting killed every which way...I get more kills and wins playing Unreal Tournament than this! I'll stick to Battlefield, thanks.

Nothing too interesting. I have another Ultraman game that I'm looking to snag, Ultraman Nexus. Shame the series didn't take off when it should have: MUCH more mature feeling compared to the other Ultra shows (not that they're any less mature, but...ya know...Nexus leans toward much more darker tones, and the monsters are a lot LESS goofy looking).

Uh...yeah, Ultraman fan now.

Aside from that, wish I had a new console. I wish, but I do not want like crazy. When I get cash, that's when I'll make a decision. That is all.

Been a while...

Have to update this more often. Dunno if people visit or not.

Well, otherwise, nothing new to report. Roommate's brother brought over his dog, kinda alright, kinda annoying (but at least it's not stupid).

Uhh, Call of Duty 4 can kiss one, cause I can't do crap on multiplayer (no really, especially when hearing of how to automatically unlock EVERYTHING for multi from the get-go and thus people use the most overpowering weapons all the time). Had to get back on Battlefield 2142 to offset the BS.

Need a new PC case fan...

Bored like a mofo

Been getting into World of Warcraft lately...dangit. Game will eat up time, but at least I am putting other stuff before it (lets see how long that lasts).

Nothing else out of the ordinary. Been getting back into Fist of the North Star episodes again (yay). Interestingly enough, I've also been getting into Ultraman. More details in an unknown time in teh future.

Issues is awesome

Messin' around, belly full of chicken, and school is around the corner. Bleah. Wish I had another week off or somethin'. That would be cool. Didn't get much for Christmas, but got plenty pwned by alcohol during the New Years Eve mess. It was awesome...for a time. At least I didn't throw it back up, NOR did I pass out, AND I remember everything. Can't say the same about the other people who were there with me...

Nothing gewds, but that's coo

Figuring out what to do for this coming Monday. New Years Eve = somethins gonna happen, it might be good, it might not be good, but who knows. Hope I don't meet a chick with herpes (of course that would be horrid).

Meh, nothing else new. Wish I had a new game besides UT3 to mess around with. Was hoping to get a Call of Duty 4, to burn out my internet connection, but meh (btw got cable, been havin it for a long time now).

Looking around, I need to take a quick dump somwheres. Chicken is good, but so is the diahreea that comes after. Bleah.

Holiday woes...

Lessee...low on cash? Check

Low on patience? Check

Low on time to register for classes next semester? Check

Fixin to lose my mind? TRPLE CHECK.

I need some booze.

Unreal Tournament + Stratovarius = ...


Been wasting my time with the FPS, while wasting even more time with the music. I dunno. Holidays are close (classes end this week), but I feel odd. Bah, prolly cause one of my finals is due soon and I ain't even started on it yet. Yeah...Hopefully have something by Tuesday so I don't get shafted Wednesday.

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