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BombermanGold Blog

I Feel Asleep

I just woke up not too long ago. My internal clock is all kinds of ruined, I need to just go to bed at the right times next time. Getting irritating...

On another lighter note, I'm fixin to check out Raiden III for the PS2 soon (and it may be added to my collection soon as well). Those who aren't in teh know, the Raiden series are some of the oldest known top down Shoot em ups known. And the 3rd for PS2 looks sick.

Another lesser note, nubs on Battlefield 2142, keep on coming. My gawd, I love it when people leave their Titan unguarded...

And it's official: I hate Mario Party 8. Not really for the concept, but for the people playing it...they tend to get a little "over-excited" when trying to jump

Good mess.


Went and saw myself some Transformers: The Movie. I had no clue that it was being released on the 3rd of July instead of the 4th (guess the prospect of money got to the filmmakers, eh?) So I went and saw it with some friends. My my my, brings me great pleasure to report that whether or not your are a fan of the series, you won't be dissapointed by this movie. I sure as hell wasn't (...and I haven't even seen the ORIGINAL Transformers animated movie...)

On other things, Battlefield still has its share of nubs, arguments on gamefaqs about whether Smash Brothers is a true fighting game (I never participate in those), and...after typing this, I'm gonna cook my some CHICKEN. Yes, I dun care, it is late, I am hungry. I will get some food in my guts before I implode.

Good gawd almighty.

If I ever get any visitors in my profile...welcome.

I don't do Myspaces, facebooks, and all that jazz, I'm a simple guy.

Right now...bored to bits. I need to get back into Battlefield 2142 and whack random nubs all over the place. My little space needs sprucing up...I'm gonna be busy for a bit here.

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